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QRZ.RU > Каталог программного обеспечения > SSTV
Программа DK8JV для приема карт погоды и изображения с метеоспутников
EASY FAX is a non-professional radio facsimile tool. Completely developed using the Turbo C language this software is intended for free exchange, any use of this software for commercial aim is forbidden.
Robot Helper is a Mirosoft Windows 3.1 application designed to assist in the use of a Robot 1200c color scan converter. Robot Helper (RH) permits slow scan tv images to be stored on your hard disk and provides an easy to
use disk storage manager, complete with thumbnail previews of all images. Images can be displayed in two on-screen full color preview windows before uploading them to the 1200c scan converter. A separate panel allows you to control the operation and mode of the 1200c directly from within RH. Robot Helper comunicates with the 1200c through a standard 8255 based interface. The interface port addresses are fully configurable from within
the software.
This EZ SSTV software will allow you to receive the two currently most popular SSTV modes. The nets often use Robot 36 color because it is reasonably quick and universally available. During more leisurely times, Scottie S1 seems to be the favorite for its much better image quality.
Мощная рабочая станция SSTV. 32х битное приложение для Windows95/98 и NT4, использующее DSP технологию. Применен новый метод для работы в SSTV режиме. Требования к оборудованию: Pentium 90 или выше, 16 mb RAM, TrueColor видео карта, 16 bit звуковая карта.