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24.11.2000 16:57:50

ANS is a free, weekly, news and information service of AMSAT North America, the Radio Amateur Satellite Corporation. ANS reports on the activities of a worldwide group of Amateur Radio operators who share an active interest in designing, building, launching and communicating through analog and digital Amateur Radio satellites.

AMSAT-NA is pleased to announce that recent and future development in Amateur Radio satellites will take place in Atlanta, Georgia at the 19th Space Symposium and AMSAT-NA Annual Meeting. Stay tuned to ANS for date, agenda and other details on the 2001 Symposium!

Information on AMSAT-NA is available at the following URL: (or from)

AMSAT-NA 850 Sligo Avenue, Suite 600 Silver Spring, Maryland 20910-4703

Voice: 301-589-6062 FAX: 301-608-3410

Currently, AMSAT-NA supports the following (free) mailing lists:

* AMSAT News Service (ANS) * General satellite discussion (AMSAT-BB) * Orbit data (KEPS) * Manned space missions (SAREX) * District of Columbia area (AMSAT-DC) * New England area (AMSAT-NE) * AMSAT Educational Liaison mailing list (AMSAT-EDU) * AMSAT K-12 Educational Liaison mailing list (AMSAT-K12)

A daily digest version is available for each list.

To subscribe, or for more list information, visit the following URL:

This edition of ANS is dedicated to the memory of Alf Almedal, LA5QK, former IARU Region-1 Executive Committee member and HF Chairman. LA5QK, of Sola, Norway, died November 11th. He was an ARRL member and a former president of the Norwegian Radio Relay League. [ANS thanks Ole Garpestad, LA2RR, and the ARRL for this information]

ANS is also dedicated to the memory of past ANS editor 'BJ' Arts, WT0N, and to the memory of long-time AMSAT supporter Werner Haas, DJ5KQ.



A new era in Amateur Radio communications was ushered in on November 16, 2000 (UTC) as AMSAT-DL Executive Vice President and P3D Mission Director Peter Guelzow, DB2OS, informed AMSAT News Service that the launch of the Phase 3D satellite from the European Spaceport in Kourou, French Guiana was successful --following a spectacular nighttime launch that lifted off exactly as predicted at 01:07 UTC.

"It was a textbook launch" said DB2OS, "from the first minute of flight, until P3D separated from the Ariane 5 launch vehicle, all received telemetry indicates the launch went perfectly and our satellite appears to be in very good health."

Launched with three other satellites - the large PAS-1R communications satellite and the smaller STVR-1C and 1D satellites, Phase 3D was placed into geostationary transfer orbit, from where it will be nudged into it's final elliptical orbit.

The Ariane 5 flight proved to be a record setting mission as it marked the first use of the ASAP-5 platform. The ASAP-5 enables the launcher to carry auxiliary micro and mini satellite payloads. By coincidence, P3D was married to the PanAm-1R satellite, which was also the case when the first Ariane 4 (flight 401) rocket also launched both an AMSAT and a PanAm satellite.

On this launch, PAS-1R becomes the largest commercial satellite ever put into orbit -- and P3D the largest Amateur Radio satellite ever built and launched.

At liftoff the Ariane 5 launch vehicle mass was over 6,200 Kg (almost 13,700 lbs.)! This included the mass of the PanAmSat primary payload and the three auxiliary satellites (of which P3D was one), as well as the mass of the ASAP-5 platform and the other payload mounting and interface hardware.

AMSAT-NA President Robin Haighton, VE3FRH, welcomed the news of the launch, noting "that the design, building and financing of P3D by international volunteers is a great achievement."

Immediate AMSAT-NA past President Keith Baker, KB1SF, told ANS that he was "delighted" by the news of the Phase 3D launch. "Obviously this is a big thrill for all of us who have spent the better part of our lives over the past ten years bringing the satellite to fruition. I have no doubt that today will be regarded as one of the greatest days in the history of Amateur Radio."

ANS also received word from AMSAT-NA Board of Directors Chairman (and past AMSAT-NA President) Bill Tynan, W3XO. "I can't begin to tell you how happy I am to see P3D in orbit," said Tynan, "as I followed the launch sequence, I thought of the many people who have been involved with this project from the very beginning and how pleased everyone must be to see the reward of such hard work."

A 50 second video of the launch can be seen at:

Although safely in orbit, there is much work to be done with Phase 3D before the satellite is opened for general Amateur Radio use. Initial housekeeping tasks are now underway to verify the health of the many complex systems onboard - followed by bringing these systems online.

As previously noted P3D is now in a transfer orbit used for geosynchronous satellites. To move P3D from this orbit the Arcjet motor will burn intermittently (at perigee) over a 270-day period, with final inclination and apogee adjustments made by the spacecraft's 400 Newton motor. "When these maneuvers are completed and three-axis stabilization is achieved, the satellite solar panels will then be spread out to receive full sunlight," said Haighton. "It is anticipated that at this time the satellite will be fully operational for use by Amateur Radio operators around the world."

ANS has received many inquiries from satellite operators around the world asking if P3D would be available for general communications in the near future. Although this is certainly a possibility, it is important to note that the P3D team is very closely monitoring the power budget of this new satellite, both in available battery voltage and current orbital parameters. These two areas will be among the most important factors that determine what happens with P3D in the near future.

The P3D command team has reported to ANS that after the initial establishment of communication following launch, a number of systems have been checked out and found to be working perfectly. The attitude control system was calibrated after finding a minor error in the magnet vector. By changing 6 bytes in P3D's software, the proper vector has been achieved. Presently, Phase 3D's attitude is being changed to prepare for the first motor burn. This maneuver is currently proceeding according to expectations and should be completed in a few days.

Both S-band transmitters have been tested (S-1 and S-2), and both have been found to work properly. With P3D's dish-antennas (for now) pointing away from Earth, signals were weak as expected.

The V-band beacon is currently transmitting PSK telemetry on 145.898 MHz. "P3D is loud," reported ANS principal satellite investigator N1JEZ, "even at apogee signals at my QTH are S-9 or better with no detectable QSB." Along with telemetry, P3D is currently transmitting the following messages:

'This is AMSAT OSCAR-40, the international satellite to support science and education, Amateur Radio space communications and above all, international friendship.'

'QST, QST de AMSAT OSCAR-40 in memory of Werner Haas, DJ5KQ, Vice President, AMSAT-DL, 13-06-00.'

AMSAT's Ken Ernandes, N2WWD, provided ANS with orbital elements for AO-40. NORAD has cataloged AO-40 as #26609.

Epoch time: 00321.07636550 Element set: 3 Inclination: 6.4414 deg RA of node: 247.6325 deg Eccentricity: 0.7351717 Arg of perigee: 175.8868 deg Mean anomaly: 13.4478 deg Mean motion: 2.03016775 rev/day Decay rate: 7.56000e-09 rev/day^2 Epoch rev: 1 Checksum: 284

P3D's orbital elements are also available on the AMSAT-NA web page at:

North American P3D Command Station operator Stacey Mills, W4SM, has placed a zip file containing his P3D telemetry decoding program (P3T.exe) as well as some additional supporting files at the following URL:

The program will run on Windows 95/98/NT/2000 platforms. W4SM reports additional programs are under development for Mac and Linux platforms. A 400 baud PSK is required. Additional information regarding demodulators, and the telemetry format can be found at:

The complete Phase 3-D frequency band plan is available at:

Stay tuned to ANS for additional bulletins from AMSAT, the official source of information on the Phase 3D satellite.

[ANS thanks AMSAT-DL and AMSAT-NA for this information]




AMSAT-NA Board Chairman (and past president) Bill Tynan, W3XO, told ANS that Phase 3D will now be known as AMSAT-OSCAR 40, or AO-40. "We have been calling it Phase 3D for far too long," W3XO said, "henceforth it will take its place in the long line of OSCAR satellites built by the Amateur Radio community throughout the world."

W3XO reported he received the official go-ahead to name P3D from project leader Karl Meinzer, DJ4ZC. "Under the authority vested in me by Karl and our new AMSAT-NA President Robin Haighton, VE3FRH, and as the 'keeper of OSCAR numbers' -- I hereby christen our newest, and proudest bird, AMSAT-OSCAR 40."

AO-40 has been dedicated to the memory of one of its principal builders, Werner Haas, DJ5KQ, and operates under the call sign DP0WH. As ANS readers know, Werner was the AMSAT-DL Vice President and longtime P3D supporter who died earlier this year. A plaque aboard AO-40 is dedicated to his memory.

[ANS thanks AMSAT-NA for this information]




The AMSAT launch information net that followed P3D's ride to orbit was deemed a great success by Amateur Radio operators around the world. The net broadcast a blow-by-blow description of the launch along with comments from several AMSAT officers and P3D team members who provided interesting information about both the satellite and the launch.

Across North America, coverage was broadcast on six bands, namely 75, 40, 20, 15, 10, and 2-meters. History chapters in the Radio Amateur Satellite Handbook chronicle AMSAT launch information nets back to the early OSCAR days.

"Monitored the launch here in California via nets on both 20 and 40-meters," said WB6HGW, "great work on the coverage!" WB6LLO reported "great coverage by W5IU and crew, it was really a blast!"

In addition to HF and VHF rebroadcast, ALINS information was also carried live on the Internet by several sources, including on the Houston AMSAT Net web page.

[ANS congratulates Keith, W5IU, for his hard work in putting the ALINS system together and thanks all stations who participated in the launch coverage of AO-40]




ANS was flooded with well wishes following the successful launch of AO-40. "Congratulations on the success to the many members of the AMSAT team who participated in building and launching P3D - a job well done, " said N4UMQ. KK5DO added, "thanks to Arianespace for a graceful ride into orbit and I am sure that I join hams worldwide in wishing Arianespace much success in the future."

"Just watched one of the most beautiful launches ever," said KW8KW. "Between P3D and ARISS, this has been AMSAT's best week ever," said W2RS. F6BVP told ANS, "congratulations, the bird will open a new era in communications."

G3YJO offered his thanks and congratulations "especially to all those across the continents who have worked so hard to bring this dream to reality. Amidst our celebrations, we also remember Werner Hass."

"Hurray," said 4X1KS, "I'm just so happy that P3D has made it with flying colors." "A major success story," said VE3CDM. "Kudos to all who had a hand in the building and launch of our new toy," said NA9D. "Congratulations to everyone who made this possible, " added 9M2DT. "Thanks to the AMSAT P3D Team for the great work," said IK8XLD. "Thanks to Arianespace," added KB7ADL, "it's clear that what Arianespace did for AMSAT was no small thing."

[ANS congratulates AMSAT worldwide on this wonderful achievement]




ANS news in brief this week includes the following:

** Europe's beaches could soon be cleaner thanks to better information gleaned from ESA satellite data. Using mathematical models developed to combine data from several satellites, it may soon be possible to predict where pollution is likely to spread and plan accordingly. -SpaceDaily

** AMSAT's KB5MU reported that many messages to AMSAT-BB were inadvertently dropped in the last few days due to the unprecedented load on the board caused by e-mail posted following the AO-40 launch. This has caused an overload on the AMSAT.ORG system. -Paul, KB5MU

** It's reported that they can reduce drag, repel shock waves and make jet fighters vanish. Will plasmas start an aerospace revolution, or are they just another mirage? The test vehicle suspended in the hypersonic wind tunnel is little more than a cone. But inside is a small device that could revolutionize the way aircraft fly, saving fuel and heralding a new age of travel. Check out the details at the following URL: -SpaceDaily

** New AMSAT-UK officers: Jim Heck, G3WGM, as secretary and Barry Sankey, G7RWY, as treasurer. Congratulations from ANS! -Richard, G3RWL

** Jerry, K5OE, has updated his web page to include the antennas for P3D. They are a pair of VHF/UHF beams built on a small boom using PVC pipe, #10 wire, and 1/4" aluminum tubing. The 70-cm beam is 6x6 elements and the 2-meter beam is 3x3 elements. Check out the web site at -ANS

** W1AW will participate in a meteor-scatter experiment by attempting to bounce APRS packets off the ionized particles resulting from the Leonids meteor shower. Beginning at 21:00 UTC on November 17th W1AW will operate WinAPRS-equipped stations on 53.530 MHz and 147.585 MHz, transmitting its grid square. -ARRL

** Several hams have noted that FO-29 has had light traffic, but recently "how different it was," reported NA9D. "Seems like AO-40 has helped revive activity on FO-29 and AO-10," said Jon. -ANS





INTERNATIONAL SPACE STATION/ARISS Worldwide packet uplink: 145.990 MHz Region 1 voice uplink: 145.200 MHz Region 2/3 voice uplink: 144.490 MHz Worldwide downlink for voice and packet: 145.800 MHz TNC callsign RZ3DZR ARISS initial station launched September 2000 aboard shuttle Atlantis Status: Engineering test communications passes completed

ARISS team member Will Marchant, KC6ROL, reported to ANS that the weekend of November 11, 2000 saw successful execution of engineering Amateur Radio test communications passes. The initial two passes were through the Gagarin Cosmonaut Training Center ham shack R3K in Star City near Moscow. KC6ROL also reported that a subsequent test pass through the NN1SS station at the Goddard Space Flight Center was equally successful. Engineering tests with the packet rig still need to be organized.

The crew, while still very busy, expressed their interest and support of Amateur Radio activities on ISS. "It seems likely that over the next few weeks, as the crew's schedule settles out, that we may be able to look forward to more ham radio activity from humanity's latest foothold in space," according to KC6ROL.

The initial station will use an existing antenna that will be adapted to support 2-meter FM voice and packet. The ARISS equipment will get a more-permanent home aboard the Service Module in 2001, along with VHF and UHF antennas. Plans call for amateur TV, both slow scan and fast scan ATV, a digipeater and relay stations.

Planning for the deployment and use of the ham system aboard ISS has been an international effort coordinated by NASA's Goddard Space Flight Center. The effort began in 1996 with the formation of the Amateur Radio International Space Station organization. ARISS is made up of delegates from major national amateur radio organizations, including AMSAT.

Two U.S. callsigns have recently been issued for Amateur Radio operations with ISS. The FCC granted vanity callsigns NA1SS and NN1SS to the International Space Station Amateur Radio Club in mid-October. The NA1SS callsign will be used aboard ISS, and NN1SS will be used for ground-based transmissions from the Goddard Space Flight Center. Russian callsign RZ3DZR and German call sign DL0ISS have previously been issued for use aboard the station. The crew may use their own callsigns (KD5GSL, U5MIR) or they may use one of the ISS calls. RZ3DZR is also the callsign entered into the TNC currently onboard Alpha.

More information about the project can be found on the ARISS web site at

[ANS thanks the ARISS team for this information]

RADIO SPORT RS-13 Uplink 21.260 to 21.300 MHz CW/SSB Downlink 29.460 to 29.500 MHz CW/SSB Downlink 145.860 to 145.900 MHz CW/SSB Beacon 145.863 MHz Launched: February 5, 1991 aboard a Russian Cosmos C launcher Status: Operational, recently changed to mode-KT with a 2-meter and 10-meter downlink and 15-meter uplink

First noted on the AMSAT bulletin board by Randy, N7SFI, RS-13 apparently has switched to mode-KT. Jerry, K5OE, confirmed the move. Jerry notes the "2-meter beacon is at 145.863 MHz, and the 2-meter downlink seems to be 145.860-145.900 MHz. K5OE reports the "2-meter downlink audio is terrific, much better than the 10-meter audio."

Kevin, AC5DK, also reported the mode change on RS-13 "and it's thrown everybody for a loop!"

In addition, some stations are now reporting they are hearing both RS-12 and RS-13 - ANS is investing.

More information about RS-12 and RS-13 can be found on the AC5DK RS-12/13 Satellite Operators page at:

RADIO SPORT RS-15 Uplink 145.858 to 145.898 MHz CW/SSB Downlink 29.354 to 29.394 MHz CW/SSB Beacon 29.352 MHz (intermittent) SSB meeting frequency 29.380 MHz (unofficial) Launched: December 26, 1994 from the Baikonur Cosmodrome Status: Semi-operational, mode-A, using a 2-meter uplink and a 10-meter downlink

Dave, WB6LLO, has operating information for both RS-15 (and RS-13) on his web site. In addition to satellite data, antenna information for mode-A operation is also featured. The WB6LLO web site URL is:

OSCAR 10 AO-10 Uplink 435.030 to 435.180 MHz CW/LSB Downlink 145.975 to 145.825 MHz CW/USB Beacon 145.810 MHz (unmodulated carrier) Launched: June 16, 1983 by an Ariane launcher from Kourou, French Guiana Status: Semi-operational, mode-B. AO-10 has been locked into a 70-cm uplink and a 2-meter downlink for several years

DX continues to be worked (and heard) on AO-10.

W4SM has more information about the satellite at the following URL:

[ANS thanks Stacey Mills, W4SM, for his AO-10 status information and web site]

AMRAD AO-27 Uplink 145.850 MHz FM Downlink 436.795 MHz FM Launched: September 26, 1993 by an Ariane launcher from Kourou, French Guiana Status: Operational, mode J

Periodically, AO-27's analog repeater will be turned off for a few days at a time to enable ground controllers to gather Whole Orbital Data (WOD), to verify the health of the satellite.

An AO-27 question-and-answer page is available on the AMSAT-NA web site. The URL is:

AO-27 uses a method called Timed Eclipse Power Regulation (TEPR) to regulate the on-board batteries. In simple terms, TEPR times how long the satellite has been in an eclipse (or in the sun) and decides what subsystems to turn on or off. The current TEPR settings are:

TEPR 4: 36 TEPR 5: 72

The AO-27 pages on the AMSAT-NA web site include an explanation of TEPR AO-27 operations (at):

[ANS thanks AMRAD for AO-27 information]

UO-14 Uplink 145.975 MHz FM Downlink 435.070 MHz FM Launched: January 22, 1990 by an Ariane launcher from Kourou, French Guiana Status: Operational, mode J

Tim, KG8OC, has updated the Michigan AMSAT Information site to include UO-14 information -- point your web browser to the following URL:

[ANS thanks Chris Jackson, G7UPN/ZL2TPO, for UO-14 information]

SUNSAT SO-35 Mode J Uplink: 145.825 MHz FM Mode J Downlink: 436.250 MHz FM

Mode B Uplink: 436.291 MHz FM Mode B Downlink: 145.825 MHz FM Launched: February 23, 1999 by a Delta II rocket from Vandenberg Air Force Base in California Status: Operational.

The SunSat package includes 1200 and 9600 baud digital store-and-forward capability and a voice 'parrot' repeater system that will be used primarily for educational demonstrations in addition to Mode B/J operation. The satellite has two VHF and two UHF transmit-receive systems.

For more information on SunSat, visit the following URL:

A summary of the active modes and frequency allocations for SunSat is available at the following URL:

[ANS thanks Garth Milne, ZR1AFH, for this information]

JAS-1b FO-20 Uplink 145.90 to 146.00 MHz CW/LSB Downlink 435.80 to 435.90 MHz CW/USB Launched: February 07, 1990 by an H1 launcher from the Tanegashima Space Center in Japan Status: Operational. FO-20 is in mode JA continuously

Tak, JA2PKI, reported the FO-20 control station operators believe that the UVC (Under Voltage Controller) now is regulating the transponder. The UVC monitors battery voltage and tries to protect the batteries from over discharge. Tak notes that FO-20, launched in 1990, is now over 10 years old.

[ANS thanks Kazu Sakamoto, JJ1WTK, for the FO-20 status reports]

JAS-2 FO-29 Launched: August 17, 1996, by an H-2 launcher from the Tanegashima Space Center in Japan Status: Operational

Voice/CW Mode JA Uplink 145.90 to 146.00 MHz CW/LSB Downlink 435.80 to 435.90 MHz CW/USB

Digital Mode JD Uplink 145.850 145.870 145.910 MHz FM Downlink 435.910 MHz 1200 baud BPSK or 9600 baud FSK Callsign 8J1JCS Digitalker 435.910 MHz

The JARL FO-29 command station has announced the following operation schedule of FO-29:

November 17 - 26th JD 1200 baud PSK mailbox Nov. 27 - Dec. 7th JA

The FO-29 command station further reports the mode switching of the Digi-talker to JA was unsuccessful recently and FO-29 will remain in Digi-talker mode until the next switch attempt can be made.

Mike, KF4FDJ, has put together a very informative document on FO-29, addressing the analog, digital and digi-talker modes. To obtain a copy e-mail Mike at:

Mineo, JE9PEL, has a FO-29 satellite telemetry analysis program that will automatically analyze all digital telemetry from the satellite (such as current, voltage and temperature). The JE9PEL FO-29/shareware is available at the following URL:

[ANS thanks Kazu Sakamoto, JJ1WTK, for the FO-29 status reports]

SAUDISAT-1A Uplink to be released Downlink 437.075 MHz Launched: September 26, 2000 aboard a converted Soviet ballistic missile from the Baikonur Cosmodrome Status: Commissioning stage, initial housekeeping tasks underway

SaudiSat-1A will operate as 9600 baud digital store-and-forward systems as well analog FM repeater mode capability. One of two new ham satellites from the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia built by the Space Research Institute at the King Abdulaziz City for Science and Technology.

SAUDISAT-1B Uplink to be released Downlink 436.775 MHz Launched: September 26, 2000 aboard a converted Soviet ballistic missile from the Baikonur Cosmodrome Status: Commissioning stage, initial housekeeping tasks underway

SaudiSat-1B will operate as 9600 baud digital store-and-forward systems as well analog FM repeater mode capability. One of two new ham satellites from the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia built by the Space Research Institute at the King Abdulaziz City for Science and Technology.




TIUNGSAT-1 Uplink 145.850 or 145.925 MHz 9600 baud FSK Downlink 437.325 MHz Broadcast callsign MYSAT3-11 BBS MYSAT3-12 NUP MYSAT3-10 Launched: September 26, 2000 aboard a converted Soviet ballistic missile from the Baikonur Cosmodrome Status: Operational in digital mode, currently at 9600 baud FSK

TiungSat-1 is Malaysia's first micro-satellite and in addition to commercial land and weather imaging payloads offers FM and FSK Amateur Radio communication.

TiungSat-1, named after the mynah bird of Malaysia, was developed as a collaborative effort between the Malaysian government and Surrey Satellite Technology Ltd.

For more information on TiungSat-1, visit the following URL:

KITSAT KO-25 Uplink 145.980 MHz FM (9600 baud FSK) Downlink 436.500 MHz FM Launched: September 26, 1993 by an Ariane launcher from Kourou, French Guiana Status: Operational

Some stations had reported the loss of signals from KO-25. Command station HL0ENJ reported to ANS: "This is the command ground station of KO-25. The bird was in power safe mode due to over discharge of it's battery system. We were testing power consumption of KO-25 because of this. We have now recovered the bird and it is open for use."

Jim, AA7KC, now reports nominal KO-25 operation, with traffic increased to a moderate level.

[ANS thanks Jim Weisenberger, AA7KC, for KO-25 status information]

UOSAT UO-22 Uplink 145.900 or 145.975 MHz FM 9600 baud FSK Downlink 435.120 MHz FM Call sign UOSAT5-12 Launched: July 17, 1991 by an Ariane launcher from Kourou, French Guiana Status: Operational

Jim, AA7KC, reports nominal UO-22 operation at high efficiency, with heavy traffic and major sat-gate operation.

More information on the satellite is available at the following URL:

[ANS thanks Chris Jackson, G7UPN/ZL2TPO, for UO-22 status information]

OSCAR-11 Downlink 145.825 MHz FM (1200 baud AFSK) Mode-S Beacon 2401.500 MHz Launched: March 1, 1984 by a Delta-Thor rocket from Vandenberg Air Force Base in California Status: Operational

OSCAR-11 celebrated its sixteenth birthday in space on March 1, 2000.

During the period 16-September to 17-October excellent signals have been received from the 145 MHz beacon. The satellite is currently experiencing very good solar conditions that should continue through the end of the year.

Ground control operations recently reset the magnetorquer counters and the spin period has now started to slowly return to a nominal value.

The battery voltage observed during daylight passes has continued to increase. The average value observed was 14.0, with a range of 13.9 to 14.1 volts. The internal temperatures have increased recently. They are now 5.8C and 4.2C for battery and telemetry electronics respectively. This rise in temperature is expected to continue as solar eclipse times become shorter.

The operating schedule is as follows:

ASCII status (210 seconds) ASCII bulletin (60 seconds) BINARY SEU (30 seconds) ASCII TLM (90 seconds) ASCII WOD (120 seconds) ASCII bulletin (60 seconds) BINARY ENG (30 seconds)

The ASCII bulletin is currently a static message, detailing modes and frequencies of all active amateur radio satellites.

More information on OSCAR-11 is available at the following URL:

[ANS thanks Clive Wallis, G3CWV, for OSCAR-11 status information]

LUSAT LO-19 Uplink 145.84 145.86 145.88 145.90 MHz FM (using 1200 baud Manchester FSK) CW downlink 437.125 MHz Digital downlink 437.150 MHz SSB (RC-BPSK 1200 baud PSK) Launched: January 22, 1990 by an Ariane launcher from Kourou, French Guiana Status: Semi-operational. The CW beacon is sending eight telemetry channels and one status channel on 437.136 MHz. No BBS service is available. The digipeater is not active.

Mineo, JE9PEL, has recorded LO-19 CW and PSK telemetry and placed the information on his Internet homepage site at:

General information and telemetry samples can be found at:

[ANS thanks Miguel Menendez, EA1BCU, for LO-19 status information]

PACSAT AO-16 Uplink 145.90 145.92 145.94 145.96 MHz FM (using 1200 baud Manchester FSK) Downlink 437.025 MHz SSB (RC-BPSK 1200 baud PSK) Mode-S Beacon 2401.1428 MHz Launched: January 22, 1990 by an Ariane launcher from Kourou, French Guiana Status: Semi-operational

Russ, WJ9F, reported the S-band transmitter is off. The VHF uplink and the UHF PSK transmitter are operational (TX power at 1.5 watts). The digipeater command is on.

Telemetry is as follows:

uptime is 279/07:18:54. Time is Sat Nov 18 10:49:55 2000 +10V Bus 11.100 V +Z Array V 22.301 V +X (RX) Temp -5.448 D RX Temp 1.209 D +5V Bus 4.968 V +8.5V Bus 8.868 V BCR Set Point 123.492 C BCR Load Cur 0.374 A BCR Input Cur 0.527 A BCR Output Cur 0.384 A Bat 1 Temp 6.049 D Bat 2 Temp 6.049 D Baseplt Temp 6.049 D PSK TX RF Out 1.465 W RC PSK BP Temp -0.607 D RC PSK HPA Tmp -0.002 D +Y Array Temp 2.419 D PSK TX HPA Tmp 3.024 D +Z Array Temp -0.002 D

Total Array C= 0.471 Bat Ch Cur= 0.010 Ifb= 0.056 I+10V= 0.318 TX:1008 BCR:80 PWRC:05C BT:1E WC:25 EDAC:79

A new WOD collection of current graphics along with general information and telemetry samples can be found at:

[ANS thanks Miguel Menendez, EA1BCU, for AO-16 status information]

TMSAT-1 TO-31 Uplink 145.925 MHz (9600 baud FSK) Downlink 436.925 MHz (9600 baud FSK) Launched: July 10, 1998 by a Zenit rocket from the Baikonur Cosmodrome Status: Operational

Jim, AA7KC, reports nominal TO-31 operation, with light traffic and downlink efficiencies in the 90% range.

ProcMail V2.00G has been released by G7UPN. This software permits the processing of image files from TO-31. It has been posted to the AMSAT-NA FTP site at the following URL:

Many of the high-resolution color images transmitted by TMSAT are compressed using a UoSAT compression format. This format is supported by the VK5HI CCD display program.

[ANS thanks Chris Jackson, G7UPN/ZL2TPO, for TO-31 status information]

UoSAT-12 UO-36 Uplink 145.960 MHz (9600 baud FSK) Downlink 437.025 MHz 437.400 MHz Launched: April 21, 1999 by a Russian launcher from the Baikonur Cosmodrome Status: Operational

UO-36 carries a num ________________________________________________________________


RZ6HGG Stavropol FidoNet: 2:5064/11.30 23 ноября 2000 г. 19:10:25

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