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SB NEWS @ AMSAT $SPC1120 * SpaceNews 20-Nov-00 * BID: $SPC1120

24.11.2000 16:57:48

========= SpaceNews =========


* PHASE 3D SUCCESSFULLY LAUNCHED! * =================================== A new era in Amateur Radio communications was ushered in on November 16, 2000 (UTC) as AMSAT-DL Executive Vice President and P3D Mission Director Peter Guelzow, DB2OS, informed AMSAT News Service that the launch of the Phase 3D satellite from the European Spaceport in Kourou, French Guiana was successful following a spectacular night time launch.

"It was a textbook launch" said DB2OS, "from the first minute of flight, until P3D separated from the Ariane 5 launch vehicle, all received telemetry indicates the launch went perfectly and our satellite appears to be in very good health."

Launched with three other satellites - the large PAS-1R communications satellite and the smaller STVR-1C and 1D satellites, Phase 3D was placed into geostationary transfer orbit, from where it will be nudged into it's final elliptical orbit.

The Ariane 5 flight proved to be a record setting mission as it marked the first use of the ASAP-5 platform. The ASAP-5 enables the launcher to carry auxiliary micro and mini satellite payloads. By coincidence, P3D was married to the PanAm-1R satellite, which was also the case when the first Ariane 4 (flight 401) rocket also launched both an AMSAT and a PanAm satellite.

On this launch, PAS-1R becomes the largest commercial satellite ever put into orbit -- and P3D the largest Amateur Radio satellite ever built and launched.

At liftoff the Ariane 5 launch vehicle mass was over 6,200 Kg (almost 13,700 lbs.)! This included the mass of the PanAmSat primary payload and the three auxiliary satellites (of which P3D was one), as well as the mass of the ASAP-5 platform and the other payload mounting and interface hardware.

AMSAT-NA President Robin Haighton, VE3FRH, welcomed the news of the launch, noting "that the design, building and financing of P3D by international volunteers is a great achievement."

Immediate AMSAT-NA past President Keith Baker, KB1SF, told the AMSAT-NA News Service that he was "delighted" by the news of the Phase 3D launch. "Obviously this is a big thrill for all of us who have spent the better part of our lives over the past ten years bringing the satellite to fruition. I have no doubt that today will be regarded as one of the greatest days in the history of Amateur Radio."

Word was also received from AMSAT-NA Board of Directors Chairman (and past AMSAT-NA President) Bill Tynan, W3XO. "I can't begin to tell you how happy I am to see P3D in orbit," said Tynan, "as I followed the launch sequence, I thought of the many people who have been involved with this project from the very beginning and how pleased everyone must be to see the reward of such hard work."

Although safely in orbit, there is much work to be done with Phase 3D before the satellite is opened for general Amateur Radio use. Initial housekeeping tasks are now underway to verify the health of the many complex systems onboard - followed by bringing these systems online. As previously noted P3D is now in a transfer orbit used for geosynchronous satellites.

To move P3D from this orbit the Arcjet motor will burn intermittently (at perigee) over a 270-day period, with final inclination and apogee adjustments made by the spacecraft's 400 Newton motor. "When these maneuvers are completed and three-axis stabilization is achieved, the satellite solar panels will then be spread out to receive full sunlight," said Haighton. "It is anticipated that at this time the satellite will be fully operational for use by Amateur Radio operators around the world."

A 50 second video of the P3D launch can be seen at:

After its successful launch, the Phase 3D satellite has been renamed AMSAT-OSCAR 40. AO-40's 2-meter telemetry beacon has been widely received on a downlink frequency of about 145.900 MHz.

A recent Keplerian element set issued for AMSAT-OSCAR-40 over the weekend by Ken Ernandes, N2WWD, follows:

AO-40 / OSCAR 40 1 26609U 00072B 00321.07636550 .00000001 00000-0 12528-4 0 39 2 26609 6.4414 247.6325 7351717 175.8868 13.4478 2.03016775 16

Satellite: AO-40 / OSCAR 40 Catalog number: 26609 Epoch time: 00321.07636550 Element set: 3 Inclination: 6.4414 deg RA of node: 247.6325 deg Eccentricity: 0.7351717 Arg of perigee: 175.8868 deg Mean anomaly: 13.4478 deg Mean motion: 2.03016775 rev/day Decay rate: 7.56000e-09 rev/day^2 Epoch rev: 1 Checksum: 284

The latest element sets are available via the Internet at:

* KITSAT-OSCAR-25 NEWS * ======================== The KITSAT-OSCAR-25 satellite went silent over the weekend when the satellite went into a power safe mode due to an overcharge of its battery system. The spacecraft has since been brought back on-line, and is available for general use.

[Info via KyungHee, HL0ENJ]

* OSCAR-11 REPORT * =================== During the period 17 October to 14 November 2000, good signals have been received from OSCAR-11's 145.826 MHz VHF-FM beacon. The satellite is currently experiencing favorable solar conditions and this should continue until the end of the year.

Following ground control operations on 05-October to reset the magnetorquer counters, the spin period has varied between 217 and 276 seconds. Eight +ve magnetorquer correction pulses have been counted, while there have been 350 Z-axis correction pulses.

The battery voltage observed during daylight passes is unchanged. The average value observed was 14.0, with a range of 13.9 to 14.1 volts.

The internal temperatures have increased slightly during the month, and are probably near their maximum value for the current eclipse cycle. They are now 6.6C and 4.8C for battery and telemetry electronics respectively.

The single WOD survey of channels 1, 2, 3, 61 (X, Z, Y magnetometers and status) dated 06-October-2000, has been transmitted.

The Mode-S beacon has been heard by Hideki JA4CMZ in Shimane and Ken G8VR in Kent. Hideki reports signals 10 dB above the noise at 59 degree elevation, using a 2.5 metre dish. He uses a VE4MA feed (RHCP), FHX35LG pre-amp, and home brew converter into an IC-375 multi-mode. Ken reports hearing the beacon weakly, while recommissioning his equipment in readiness for P3-D.

The operating schedule is unchanged:

ASCII status (210 seconds) ASCII bulletin (60 seconds) BINARY SEU (30 seconds) ASCII TLM (90 seconds) ASCII WOD (120 seconds) ASCII bulletin (60 seconds) BINARY ENG (30 seconds)

The ASCII bulletin is currently a static message, detailing modes and frequencies of all the amateur radio satellites. There are additional status blocks after each bulletin is transmitted, and between ASCII TLM and WOD.

The Mode-S beacon is ON, transmitting an unmodulated carrier, but telemetry indicates that it has partially failed, and delivering half power. This beacon is a useful test source for those testing Mode-S converters in anticipation of Mode-S communications through Phase 3-D. However, the signals are very weak and there is a lot of Doppler shift. Users should also note that the polarization of OSCAR-11 is LHC. Even if you can't hear OSCAR-11, your equipment may still be OK for P3-D. Any reports of reception on 2401 MHz would be most welcome, and should be directed to Clive Wallis via e-mail at:

OSCAR-11's UHF beacon on 435.025 MHz is normally OFF. However, it can sometimes be heard when the satellite is being commanded by ground control, ie. within range of Guildford, UK. When the UHF beacon is transmitting, the VHF beacon is normally OFF. The data transmitted is mainly binary.

Listeners to OSCAR-11 may be interested in visiting a web site dedicated to this satellite. The site contains details of hardware required and some software for capturing data, and decoding ASCII telemetry and WOD. There is an archive of raw data (mainly WOD) for analysis, which is continually being expanded as new data is captured. Also included are some audio files containing examples of each type of data transmitted by OSCAR-11. Each one plays for about ten seconds. There are also examples of Mode-S reception. All the audio files are zipped so that they can be played off-line. These should help listeners identify the various types of data, and give an indication of the signal quality required for successful decoding.

The URL is:

[Info via Clive Wallis, G3CWV (]

* SpaceNews NEWS * ================== SpaceNews is available once again in Spanish as 'Noticias del Espacio'. It can be found on USENET under the newsgroup of

SpaceNews is translated in Madrid by Pedro Jose at EA4ADD (God willing) right after being edited and distributed (maybe one or two days after) by John, KD2BD, in order to bring the news on space related and amateur radio issues to Spanish speaking peopole too all around the world... and beyond.

Enjoy it, and have a good time: que lo paseis bien!

[Info via Pedro Jose Ruiz, EA4ADD]

* FEEDBACK/INPUT WELCOMED * =========================== Comments and input for SpaceNews should be directed to the editor (John, KD2BD) via any of the paths listed below:

WWW: MAIL: John A. Magliacane, KD2BD Department of Engineering and Technology Brookdale Community College 765 Newman Springs Road Lincroft, New Jersey 07738 U.S.A. PACKET: KD2BD @ WB2COP.NJ.USA.NA INTERNET:, SATELLITE: KITSAT-OSCAR-25


-- -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- John A. Magliacane, KD2BD -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Internet: | Voice : +1.732.224.2948 Satellite: KITSAT-OSCAR-25 | Morse : -.- -.. ..--- -... -.. Packet: KD2BD @ WB2COP.NJ.USA.NA | WWW : Video: 426.250 MHz/439.250 MHz | FAX : +1.732.224.2772 -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Linux Doesn't Cost. It Pays. -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-

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RZ6HGG Stavropol FidoNet: 2:5064/11.30 23 ноября 2000 г. 19:11:44

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