LAB599.RU — интернет-магазин средств связи


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Учредитель: GMDX Group

This award is attained by working stations in lands generally agreed to be those of the Celtic peoples, namely Scotland GM, Northern Ireland GI, Republic of Ireland EI, Isle of Man GD, Wales GW, Cornwall G, Brittany F, Galicia and Asturias EA1 and to celebrate its Scottish heritage, Nova Scotia VE1. The aim of the award is to work as many Amateur Radio stations as possible in the territories mentioned.

This award is available in several classes:

The Celtic Knot bronze award for working 100 different stations in the Celtic Territories with a minimum of 5 from each call area.

The Celtic Knot silver award for working 200 different stations in the Celtic Territories with a minimum of 10 from each call area.

The Celtic Knot gold award for working 300 different stations in the Celtic Territories with a minimum of 15 from each call area.

The Celtic Knot Honor Roll for working 400 different stations in the Celtic Territories with a minimum of 20 from each call area.

Certificates will be awarded in each category, the cost of each certificate being Ј5GBP, 10euros or US$10. In addition for those attaining the 300 award a suitably engraved plaque will be available for Ј35GBP ,70 euros or $70.00. Those achieving Honour Roll will be also be eligible for an engraved Quaich (Scottish Drinking Cup) which also costs Ј35GBP, 70 euros or US$70. Please make cheques out to “GMDX Group” - only ЈGBP cheques are acceptable.

This award scheme is for working different stations in the call areas and territories mentioned on any mode and a mixture of any Amateur bands.

In an effort to create interest in this award there will be an activity weekend, each held on the third full weekend in April starting in 2002. This activity weekend will be called “Celtic Connections” and all Celtic stations are encouraged to be active. The award scheme itself will start from all QSOs from 1 January 2000. Requirements and further information is available from The GMDX Group web site Those applying for awards should send the application form available on the GMDX website with the appropriate fee to:

Celtic Knot Award

Colin Brown GM0RLZ

9 Newton Crescent


Fife KY11 2QW

Scotland U.K.

Просмотров всего 7766, сегодня 3 Дата внесения: 19.09.2003 17:27:03
Трансляция: RA1AE

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