This award is administered by the IOSA Committee and is the creation of Les Hamilton GM3ITN, who has accepted advice and some alterations from Gavin Taylor GM0GAV, Dave Warburton GM0LVI and Robert Ferguson GM3YTS. Les Hamilton GM3ITN is the top U.K. station on the Islands on the Air (IOTA) Honour Roll. He has devised an award that is extremely challenging, particularly the higher graded awards. We hope this award will encourage Amateur Radio operators from around the world to contact or visit and activate some of the most beautiful and remote parts of Scotland. In order to encourage operati...
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Радиолюбительские дипломы - Шотландия
This award is attained by working stations in lands generally agreed to be those of the Celtic peoples, namely Scotland GM, Northern Ireland GI, Republic of Ireland EI, Isle of Man GD, Wales GW, Cornwall G, Brittany F, Galicia and Asturias EA1 and to celebrate its Scottish heritage, Nova Scotia VE1. The aim of the award is to work as many Amateur Radio stations as possible in the territories mentioned. This award is available in several classes: The Celtic Knot bronze award for working 100 different stations in the Celtic Territories with a minimum of 5 from each call area. The Celtic K...
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