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Universal Time Marks - Vjacheslav Batuchtin
Vjacheslav Batuchtin (RV3DGA, ) proposed to transmit a sounding signal (the onboard beacon) as a permanent sequence of packets of minimal duration. With the AX25 protocol a packet of minimal duration may be transferred as the I-type data frame, which contains the name SpEx SHADOW (Shadow) and also protocol mark of time, which is inserted automatically by a controller from the internal timer of the computer. The latter are to be beforehand exposed manually in accordance with the onboard time. So the onboard beacon distributes the “universal time” over the whole measuring network.
Vjacheslav expects that the given technique using the most general properties of the protocol AX25, allows to receive the beacon at any configuration of network site hardware and operational system loaded. It also should automatically suppress interference of packet radio stations occasionally transmitting on the beacon frequency and create a zone of radiosilence over the current SpEx session.
For details contact him directly, please.