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The latest designs of VME, CAMAC and CANbus standards devices
The latest designs.
This page describes the latest designs of author or designs implemented with his direct participation. Here are included designs of 2000 AD and later.
Author is designer of devices for control systems of physical installations. So, all described devices are intended for this purpose. These are analog-to-digital, digital-to-analog converters and some digital devices. These devices are implemented in VME, CAMAC and CANbus standards. These devices are listed below:
CANADC40 - 40-channels ADC with input/output registers with CANbus interface.
CANDAC16 - 16-channels DAC with input/output registers with CANbus interface.
CDAC20 - precise DAC and 5-channels ADC with input/output registers with CANbus interface.
CEDAC20 - precise DAC and 5-channels ADC with input/output registers with CANbus interface, euro mechanics version.
CGVI8 - 8-channels programmable delayed pulse generator with input/output registers with CANbus interface.
CPKS8 - 8-channels pulse-width converter with CANbus interface.
CAC208 - 8-channels DAC and 20-channels precise ADC with input/output registers and CANbus interface.
CAC168 - 8-channels DAC and 16-channels ADC with input/output registers and CANbus interface. It's designed with Sergey Zverev.
CURVV - multiport input/output register.
CAMAC-CANbus - buffered two CANbus links driver in CAMAC.
VADC16 - 16-channels precise ADC in VME.
VDAC20 - precise DAC in VME.This part of my site is intended for foreign users of my devices. After shipment any device abroad I translate description of corresponding device to english and place it here. So, all information here isn't intended for advertisement, but for successful exploitation. Here are placed the latest version of devices description in pdf-format.
If You have any question about my devices don't hesitate to ask me by e-mail: Показать Email