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QRZ.RU > Технические справочники > HwB: The Hardware Book (Mirror) > Ссылки на некоторые сайты с технической информацией в Интернете
Ссылки на некоторые сайты с технической информацией в Интернете
Here are some links to good sites of technical information on the Internet.
I have a lot of pages I will add as soon as I get the time for it. They are currently in my bookmarks file. Remember that I usually add links to pages covering a specific topic at bottom of the best suited HwB page.
Name | Author | Comment |
TheRef | F. Robert Falbo | Harddrives & controllers specifications. |
The Tech Page | Various | Harddrives & controllers specifications. |
Norm's Industrial Electronics | Norman Dyrvik | Misc electronic links. |
Circuit Cookbook | Dan Charrois | Various circuits. |
PC Hardware Link Page | Dick Perron | Varoius Links and some own PC Hardware info. |
Electrical Engineering Circuits Archive | Jerry Russell | Various circuits. |
sandpile.org: 80x86 | Christian Ludloff | Everything about 80x86 processors & motherboards. |
Hard Seek | Davide Ferrari | Search for hardware manufacturers etc. |
The Computer Information Centre | Many | Contains very much about electronics/computers. |
Amiga Alley: Hard Hacks | Colin Thompson | Amiga related hardware hacks. |
We-Man's Electro Stuff | Stefan Wieman | Misc electronic stuff. |
Tomi Engdahl's pages | Tomi Engdahl | You will find almost everything here. |
PC Mechanic | David Risley | Good info for beginners about how to build PC's. |
Electronic Engineers' Toolbox | EG3 | Many nice links. |
Mark's Computer Page
Mark E. Donaldsson | WhitePapers/Info about Processors, memories etc. |
Armory Electronics Archive
Richard Steven Walz | FTP archive with lots of electronics related files. |
Jaap van Ganswijk | Pinouts to Integrated Circuits etc. |
Lawrence Wright | Pinouts to videogames. |
Name | Author | Comment |
alt.comp.hardware.homebuilt FAQ | Mark Sokos | Misc information about how to build your own things. |
sci.electronics FAQ: Repair: Pinouts FAQ | Filip M. Gieszczykiewicz | Misc pinouts for connectors. |
If you have any more good links of interest, please send me an e-mail at .
(C) Joakim Цgren 1996,1997