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OPDX Bulletin No. 484

08.11.2000 13:24:29

DX Bulletin No. 484 BID: $OPDX.484 November 6, 2000 Editor Tedd Mirgliotta, KB8NW Provided by BARF-80 BBS Cleveland, Ohio Online at 440-237-8208 28.8k-1200 Baud 8/N/1

Thanks to the Northern Ohio Amateur Radio Society, Northern Ohio DX Association, Ohio/Penn PacketCluster Network, NC1L, N7NG/1, WB2YQH/WB2RAJ & The 59(9) DX Report, K3BEQ, W3HNK, W3UR & The Daily DX, WB4PVT, K5OVC, K7CO, K8YSE, DF3CB, DF4RD, DF7ZS, DJ5AV & DX News Letter, DL1YD, DL2FAG, F6AJA & Les Nouvelles DX, G3SWH, G4RGK, IK7JWX, IV3RAV, JI3DST, OH1NOA, PA5BW, PA5NT, PR7AR, PY2YP, SP5UAF, SP9XWD, TA3J/TA3YJ, VA3RJ, VU2JOS, 9M2TO and Gilda Amen for the following DX information.

SPECIAL NOTE BY EDITOR: If you are having a problem receiving bounced mail by sending mail to me via " ", please send mail to me via " "...... TNX de Tedd KB8NW

1SL1A, SEALAND (More on this interesting upcoming operation. DX IS...). Jon "JT" Utley, K7CO (1SL1J), has informed OPDX that the 1SL1A operation will take place between December 9-12th. Activity will be on 80-10 meters. The WARC bands and 160 meters are being considered. The 1SL1A operation will be active during the ARRL 10 Meter Contest. Jon mentions that the license from the government has been issued. He also states the following: "For those that are wondering about using the prefix 1SL... As some of you know in the past 1S has been used for Spratly. This prefix bloc is not reserved for Spratly but used because the area is in dispute over who owns the area. Sealand is also in dispute. I will list links below that touch on the international debate over Sealand's claim. Any comments regarding your research of Sealand are welcome. We have created the Radio Amateur Association of the Principality of Sealand and our goals are to become a member of the IARU and eventually the ITU." Again, for more information and details, check the following Web sites: Here is an ABC News article on Sealand.. Click on the picture for a video news story using realplayer video. ADDED NOTE: OPDX has learned that an operation took place from Sealand in 1982 by four German ham operators (DF8AO, DK8KW, DL6PE and DL2NO). They used the callsigns S1AH, S1AB, S1AS and S1AD.

3B8, MAURITIUS. Sigi, DL7DF, will be active as 3B8/DL7DF between now through November 16th. Please note that this is only a vacation, NOT a DXpedition! Expect only some occasional activity. Sigi will have a TS-50, a linear as well as Titanex V80 low band vertical. QSL via the bureau to DL7DF or direct to: Sigi Presch, DL7DF, Wilhelmsmuehlenweg 123, D-12621 Berlin, Germany. The DL7DF homepage is at:

3W, VIETNAM. The Uruguay DX Group/Cram will make a new joint DXpedition this year. This time they will operate from Southern Vietnam. Activity will be from November 22nd through November 26th, from Kimdo Hotel in downtown Ho Chi Minh (formerly Saigon). The station will be able to use 500 watts into a 3 element yagi. The lisence has been issued, but the callsign will not be announced until their arrival due to the possibility of a pirate operation. A well know operator who will be there is, Bert, CX3AN (formerly: CX0XY, VP8BUH, C91BV, P40AN, HR6XX, VP5/CX3AN, ZK1AAN, ZK1CRR, 3D2HA and FO0ALE). QSL Manager is Antoine, F6FNU.

4J, AZERBAIJAN. "The 59(9) DX Report" reports that Bob, N3NGC (ex-EL2RF, A92GD), has left Liberia and is on his way to Baku and hopes to obtain a license.

4W6GH QSLS AND MORE. Antonio, CT1EGH/4W6GH, reportedly is very busy processing the thousands of QSL cards that he has received and continues to receive. Some have received their QSL, but please be patient. He currently is unsure when he will go back to 4W, but he does state every- thing indicates that it should be in February of 2001. Antonoi hopes to be active from Guinea-Bissau (J5) during November sometime. His Web page is at: 4S, SRI LANKA. Just a quick reminder that Phil, G3SWH, and his XYL will be in Sri Lanka (IOTA AS-003) from November 9-22nd. Phil has received the licence and callsign 4S7WHG. They will be travelling extensively during their stay, and Phil hopes to be active on CW only, all bands from 40-10 meters for a few hours at least on most days, circumstances permitting. This will be a holiday type operation with limited activity, although they will spend the last few days relaxing on the beach at Unawatuna in the south of the island where Phil hopes to be a little more active. He will have his IC-706 and R-7000 antenna with him. QSLs will be via G3SWH, either direct or via the RSGB bureau.

9M6, EAST MALAYNSIA. Timo, OH1NOA, will operate as 9M6AAC from the Hillview Gardens, Keningau, Sabah, during the CQWW CW Contest as a Single Op/All Band/High Power entry on November 25-26th. QSL via N2OO. Before and after the contest he will try to monitor 6 meters and work some WARC band QSOs. For more details, check the Web site:

A5, BHUTAN. The JA group that was active this past week is now QRT. However, there has been some confusion on the QSL routes. The original annoncement stated to QSL all contacts to JH1NBN. However, this seems to have changed. Before leaving Yuki, JH1NBN, sent out a report and stated that each operator will receive their own callsign and be their own QSL Manager. QSL to the following A5 callsigns and operators: A52B via JR7TEQ A52JA via JK1AFI A52XX via JA1PCY A52DX via JF1PJK A52W via JH1NBN

AT0, INDIA. In connection with the Ham Radio 2000 Convention to be held at Hyderabad, India, in December 2000, the special event station AT0JH will be active during some CW and Phone contests. This station was heard this past weekend and is expected to be active again (on SSB) from 1830z November 10th to 1830z November 12th. QSL via Box 15, Secunderabad 500003, India.

CONVENTION PHOTOS. Jean Michel, F6AJA, reports that he has put some photos from the IOTA/RSGB Convention in Windsor last October on the Yves, F6CYV's, web site at:

DXCC NEWS (GOOD AND BAD NEWS)............. 7O1YGF QSL STATUS. There was a report that came out this week from Bill Moore, NC1L, DXCC Manager, stating, "I wish I had better news but we still have not received documentation so it is on hold right now."

DXCC APPLICATIONS. It was announced this past week that DXCC applicants no longer have to wonder if their cards and applications made it to the DXCC Desk at ARRL HQ for processing. You can now visit the ARRL Web and look under the "List of DXCC Applications Received" page at: This page lists the pending DXCC applications by callsign. OPDX InterNet Subscribers will receive a press release by Wayne Mills, N7NG/1, of Membership Services, on the details about this new Web feature.

DXCC FAQ #8. Bill Moore, NC1L, DXCC Manager, has released another informative FAQ which also deals with the new "DXCC Applications Received" Web page as well as TX0 and 4W cards submissions, DXCC backlog, DXCC Card Checking Program, DXCC Annual List and the status of the DXCC's computer upgrade. This press release will be sent to all OPDX InterNet Subscribers as an additional bulletin.

E3, ERITREA (Operation QRT). Chris/DL5NAM (E30NA) and Dieter/DF4RD (E30TA) arrived back home on Saturday, November 4th. According to Dieter's press release, they closed the operation down on October 31st, making close to 25,000 QSOs. The complete press release will be sent to all OPDX InterNet Subscribers as an additional bulletin. Suggested Web sites for more information on this operation are:

IOTA NEWS................ AS-047. Takeshi, JI3DST, will be active as JI3DST/6 from Daitou Island (Minamidaitou Mura [Minamidaitoujima], Okinawa-ken) December 30th through January 7th. Activity will be on 40/17/15/12/10/6 meters SSB. QSL via the JARL (Bureau is Best) or direct to JI3DST: Takeshi "TAKE" Funaki, 2-18-26 Hannan-cho Abeno-ku Osaka-city, OSAKA 545-0021 JAPAN AS-049. Takeshi, JI3DST, will be active as JI3DST/6 from Tokara Archipe- lago (Kuchinoshima, Kogashima-ken) November 23-25th. Activity will be on 40/17/15/12/10/6 meters SSB. He states that he will use two stations: one for NA and SA on 15/10 meters only; one for EU, AS, AF and OC. QSL via the JARL (Bureau is Best) or direct to JI3DST: Takeshi "TAKE" Funaki, 2-18-26 Hannan-cho Abeno-ku Osaka-city, OSAKA 545-0021 JAPAN OC-169. By the time you read this, the following operation will be over. However, you may have missed the location that Babs/A35YL and Lot/A35ZG were active from. They were expected to be active from Haapai-Island until November 4th.

KH5K, KINGMAN REEF. The K5K operation ended on October 31st at 1700z. QSL via K4TSJ. For further details and information, and also look for online logs, check the Web site at:

PC50, THE NETHERLANDS (Attention Prefix Hunters - Special Event). The following is an excerpt from a press release (the complete release will be sent to all OPDX InterNet Subscribers as an additional bulletin): On December 15th, the Radio Agency of The Netherlands will celebrate the 50th anniversary of former intercontinental radio reception station "NERA". During the celebrations, amateur radio will be part of it. Besides, the weekend before the official celebrations, on Saturday/Sunday December 9th and 10th, a special event station will be operated by employees of the Radio Agency. The callsign PC-50-N has been applied for. The callblock PC has not been issued to radio amateurs before. Activity will be around the clock, propagation permitting, on CW, SSB or PSK31 on 70cm, 2, 10, 15, 20, 40, 80 and 160 meters. A special QSL card will be awarded to all contacting stations and will be sent by the bureau automatically. SWL reports will be answered too. Please send your reports via bureau, direct or via Email (please keep message size small). Send direct to: Ben Witvliet, PA5BW c/o NERA, Radioweg 3, Nederhorst-den-Berg, The Netherlands Send E-mail to:

QSL INFO AND NEWS.................... There is a correction to OPDX.482.1 on a QSL route. Joe, W3HNK, states that he is NOT the QSL Manager for KH7R and ALL cards should go direct via his (KH7R) callbook address. The QSL route for HB0/DK7ZL is via HB0/DK7ZL Bureau or Direct. He is NOT the QSL Manager of any other HB0/callsign. QSL II3A via IV3RAV: Michele Corvino, via San Giacomo, 20, 33034 Fagagna - Udine - Italy. QSL IQ7J via IK7JWX to the bureau or direct (CBA on P.O. Box 218, 73100 Lecce Italy.

Jara, DL1YD, states his operation during the CQWW SSB Contest as OK8YD should be QSLed to DL1YD (his home callsign). All the QSLs will be QSLed via the bureau anyway. Sending QSLs via the OK bureau is "OK" too, but it will take a little bit more time to receive them. QSL PW7Z via PY7BEL: Jolibel Alves Andrade, rua. Martinho Fransisco 67, Carpina - Pernambuco - Brasil, cep.55813-541.

The CWSP - Grupo de CW de Sao Paulo (Sao Paulo CW Group) now hosts the Brazilian ham address search engine. It can be found on the Web page at: Tom, SP5UAF, informs OPDX that there has been some delay with printing the QSL cards for their last special event operation as SP0ZCC (March/ April 2000) by the Scouts Radio Club (SP5ZCC - ). However, all QSLs were sent out at the beginning of October. QSL via SP5ZCC (OK via the bureau).

Marcel, SP9XWD, informs OPDX that QSL cards for their last special event station operation SN600UJ (Sierra November Six Zero Zero United Juliett) have all been sent out via the bureau. QSL via SP9PKZ.

QSL T88QG via JA1QGT. The QSL Manager/Operator for T88QG is Toku, JA1QGT, and he states that he operated from Palau Island. Cards are currently being printed, so please QRX! Nilay/TA3YJ and Berkin/TA3J report that on November 3rd the QSL cards for TA3J, TA3YJ and YM3LZ were sent to the following QSL bureaus: Bulgaria, Russia, Spain, Poland, France, Czech Rebuplic, Switzerland, Greece, Austria, Netherlands, Belgium, United Kingdom, Lithuania, Romania, Portugal, Estonia, Israel, Croatia, Belarus, Luxembourg, Slovakia, Finland, Sweden, Slovenia, Hungary, Ukraine, Norway, Monaco, Andorra, Argentina, Uzbekistan, U.S.A,, Canada, Turkey, New Zealand, Brazil, South Korea, Kazakhstan, Japan, Latvia, Colombia, Lebanon, Denmark, Germany and Italy to be given to their radio amateurs.

Dave, VA3RJ, informs OPDX that the following Web site now contains links to 1700+ on-line logs, and is still growing. Most are searchable logs, while others are text (also searchable with CTRL-F), and a few downloadable logs. It is updated daily. Check out: Also, check the following Web page for a list (by date) of present, and upcoming, Island (IOTA & NonIOTA), Lighthouse, Castle, and other portable operations. This list is updated daily. Check out:

SIX METER BEACON UPDATE. Tex, 9M6TO, reports that the 9M2TO/B has been improved (QRO). The frequency: 50.005 MHz. Power is: 50 watts (as of November 1st at 0000z). The antenna is a GP. All equipment donated by: TX - TS660 by JA1PCM, KEY - AEA MM3 by JA1PCM, AMP - HL66V Tokyo HiPower 50w by 9M2/JI1ETU, ANT - 5/8 GP by 9M2TO, POWER SUPPLY by 9M2KT and COOLING SYSTEM by 9M2KT. It was the MARTS Penang group who made the decision for improvements to the system.

SPECIAL EVENT FROM PLOAND................. Look for SN2000C (Sugar-November-Two-Zero-Zero-Zero-Charlie) to be active from now until December 31st. This millenium station hopes to attract activity and will be interesting, especially for prefix hunters. Look for them on all bands (160-2 meters) on CW, SSB, FM, RTTY, PSK31 and SSTV. QSL via SP9PKZ. Look for SP2000S (Sugar-Papa-Two-Zero-Zero-Zero-Sugar) to be active from November 10th to December 31st. This operation will be held to celebrate the 82nd anniversary of regaining independencce by Poland. This is also called the millenium station. They hope their activity will be interesting especially for prefix hunters. Look for them on all bands (160-6 meters) on CW, SSB, FM, RTTY, PSK31, MFSK and SSTV. QSL via SP5ZCC (OK via the bureau).

ZL8, KERMADEC ISLAND. Jacky, ZL3CW (aka F2CW), is now active and is operating as ZM8CW from Raoul Island (OC-039) now through November 12th or possibly until November 23rd. Mostly his activity is on CW 20/17/15/ 12/10 meters. However, he has also been heard on 15/12 meters SSB.

-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- OPDX INTERNET HELP/SUBSCRIBE/UNSUBSCRIBE REQUESTS: Help: Subscribe: Unsubscribe: OPDX WORLD-WIDE WEB HOME PAGE (provided by John, K8YSE): ALSO VISIT THE NORTHERN OHIO DX ASSOCIATION'S WEB HOME PAGE: -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Excerpts and distribution of The OPDX Bulletin are granted as long as KB8NW/OPDX/BARF80 receive credit. To contribute DX info, call BARF-80 BBS online at 440-237-8208 28.8k/14400/9600/2400/1200 and leave a message with the Sysop or send via InterNet Mail to: - OR - Use the VOICE or FAX answering machine at 440-237-8208 which shares the same phone line as BARF-80 BBS using a data/fax/phone switch. To access: 1) Dial Number. 2) Wait for first ring (the second ring should be a false ring from the fax/data switch box) and then dial four quick ones ("1111"). (NOTE: Some FAX machines that send single "BEEPS" every second will not have to do this step.) 3) The phone will pick up and after the "BEEP" leave your voice message or FAX.

/EXIT -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Additional Bulletins for OPDX InterNet Subscribers. -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- From: "Mills, Wayne N7NG" To: "'Tedd Mirgliotta, KB8NW'" Subject: List of DXCC Applications Received Date: Fri, 3 Nov 2000 07:29:52 -0500 MIME-Version: 1.0


For several months, I have been trying to issue "receipts" in response to received DXCC applications. DXers are always happier when they know their cards have been safely received at ARRL HQ. Coming up with e-mail addresses, however, is difficult at best. As a result, only a limited number of mostly domestic acknowledgements have been generated.

We are now posting a list of applications received on the League website. The list shows applications received during the time period indicated at the top of the page. This page shows the callsigns of applicants, in alpha-numeric order. We would like to return to an e-mail-based receipt system when it becomes possible. In the interim, we hope this web-based information will help keep DXers apprised of the status of their DXCC submissions. . 73, Wayne Mills, N7NG/1 Membership Services

-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Path: barf80!news From: "Moore, Bill, NC1L" Subject: DXCC FAQ #8 Date: Fri, 3 Nov 2000 12:01:38 -0500

Hi and welcome to DXCC FAQ #8.

Just a few pieces of information on what is happening here at DXCC and some general information updates.

Effective immediately, DXCC will be posting on the DXCC website a list of applications received and logged into the computer. Just go to the DXCC website and click on List of DXCC Applications Received and a page will appear with the listings in order by callsign. To it will be the date received. The period covered by this report will be shown in the paragraph at the top of the page. Also shown at the top of the page will be the period DXCC is entering applications. If you have an application at DXCC and you find your callsign here, it is not necessary to follow up with a request to DXCC.

TX0 and 4W cards can now be submitted. If you already have a submission in 2000 sending in another one would cost $20 ($30 for non-ARRL members) plus postage. In this case it would be better off holding off until 2001 to avoid extra fees. However, if the new entities caused you to drop off the Honor Roll (The new Honor Roll number is 325 current) you will need to bring your totals to 325 by March 31, 2001 which is the cutoff for the Honor Roll list which will appear in August 2001 QST.

Part of the new capital appropriation includes money for a complete upgrade for DXCC. We will be upgrading the software and hardware and this is due to be in place by the third quarter of 2001. Included in this change will be the ability for DXCC to receive, process and return DXCC submissions electronically. 2001.

Currently, the DXCC backlog stands at about 8 weeks. A slight jump occurred in September. This was due to the applications received for the DXCC Annual list. In addition, a jump in submission occurred in October, due to the addition of two new entities. Submissions for this were due by September 30, 2000. Each year, this increases the DXCC workload. Processing of DXCC application for the month of September is due to continue through the month of November. Here is how this works in conjunction with the list and adding the new entities:

Normally, due to the large amount of work created by the Annual List, all September work does not get finished until usually the end of November. Once The September work is done, we run the Annual list. This way, the numbers for the DXCC year from October 1, 1999 to September 30, 2000 even out for everyone. After we run the Annual List (usually by early December) we then add any new entities like this year we are adding Chesterfield Is and UNTAET (East Timor). This changes the entities list totals from 332/323 to 334/325. Then, and only then, can DXCC begin to process October 1 work. For example: if you included the 2 new entities in an application received prior to October 1, 2000, we could enter them, as they do not yet appear on the list. I have had a lot of questions on how and why this is, and I hope this explains it clearly for you.

The new DXCC card checking program is off to a good start. We have already noticed increased participation in the program. The new rules make it much easier for both applicants and the card checkers. If you have not read anything on this, the new program allows card checkers to check anything except:

Deleted entities 160 meter cards/awards QSO's older than 10 calendar years

Card checkers can check both new and endorsement applications. Benefits now are that you do not have to send your cards to ARRL. However, in the near future electronic processing will not only allow this, but quicker turnaround time will result. This is mainly due to the fact that since you, the applicant, already electronically prepared your application, the card checker will verify it and electronically send it to our secure server. DXCC will not have to do the manual data entry and the application will be uploaded to the computer saving time and program costs. (We are even looking into a savings to be reflected back to those who use the electronic process! Since, as you may know, the manual data entry process is the most costly part of the program).

One final note, when sending e-mail questions to DXCC please use only the address Please do not use goes direct to me at ARRL where is for the DX Advisory Committee. Sending messages to the DXAC just generates a lot of e-mail to people who are not involved in the day-to day operation at the DXCC desk and it will usually guarantee a quicker response.

Well, that's about it for now. We'd like to extend our thanks for your continued support of the ARRL and the DXCC program. We look forward to working with you for many years to come. I'm sure that the upcoming computer improvements will prove to help us do our jobs better and, in the long run, better serve you. As always, we appreciate your comments and criticism, as without those we'd understand less how you feel about the job we're doing. We'd also like to take this time to wish you and your families a Happy, Safe and Enjoyable time for the upcoming holiday seasons!


Bill Moore NC1L DXCC Manager -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=

From: ben witvliet To: "''" Subject: Special Event station - very rare prefix - PC 50 N Date: Mon, 30 Oct 2000 14:10:56 +0100 MIME-Version: 1.0

Dear Sirs,

Could you please communicate the following information to your readers?

Thank you.

Ben Witvliet PA5BW, 5R8DS


Celebrations December 15th the Radio Agency of The Netherlands will celebrate the 50th anniversary of former intercontinental radio reception station "NERA". This specialized radio receiving station was opened on December 14th, 1950, to function as the "ears" for the famous Kootwijk Radio transmitter station, some 40 miles to the east. At first the main goal of these two stations was to maintain communication with the Dutch colonies (Indonesia, New Guinea, Surinam and the Netherlands Antilles). Later other long range communication purposes were added. When long distance shortwave communication slowly faded as other alternatives emerged, "NERA" was converted in a professional monitoring station for longwave through UHF for the Dutch Radio Agency.

Optimal radio location "NERA" stands for "NEderhorst-den-Berg Radio". Nederhorst-den-Berg is a village near Hilversum in the center of Holland. The reception site, which lays in the Horstermeer nature reserve, was chosen for it's quiet RF environment and excellent ground characteristics. The nature reserve's specific flora and founa stems from it's natural salt water sources.

Amateur radio activity Of course "radio" will be the magic word during the celebrations, and amateur radio will be part of it. Besides, the weekend before the official celebrations, on Saturday/Sunday December 9th and 10th, a special event station will be operated by employees of the Radio Agency. The callsign PC-50-N has been applied for. The callblock PC has not been issued to radioamateurs before. Activity will be around the clock, propagation permitting, in CW, SSB or PSK31 on 70cm, 2, 10, 15, 20, 40, 80 and 160 meters. On 160 meters a fullsize inverted Vee dipole at 65 meters above very good ground will be used, on 10-20 meters a two elements Yagi 30 meters above the same ground will do the job. Dipoles will be used on 80 and 40 meters.

Invitation for skeds Although all stations will be replied to, especially stations from YB, YB9, PJ, P42 and PZ (the former Dutch colonies) are invited to call, because of the historic setting of this station. Sked requests from stations located in these regions are warmly welcomed.

Please write, phone or Email (prefered) to: Ben Witvliet, PA5BW c/o NERA, Radioweg 3, Nederhorst-den-Berg, The Netherlands Phone: +31-294-258.474 (08:00-14:00 GMT) or: +31-30-6048.502 (other hours) Email:

QSL-card A special QSL-card will be awarded to all contacting stations and will be send by bureau automatically. SWL-reports will be answered too, please send your reports via bureau, direct or via Email (please keep message size small).


Path: barf80!news From: Dieter Dippel Subject: E30TA now finally at home Date: Sun, 05 Nov 2000 17:26:59 +0100 Reply-To: Dieter Dippel Organization: Universitaet Erlangen-Nuernberg

Hello everybody, finally Chris, DL5NAM and Dieter, DF4RD arrived back home on Saturday, November, 4th with a delay of app. 52 hours ...

First of all we missed the flight on November, 1st and decided to take the next flight from Asmara on Thursday, November, 2nd at 01:00 local time or 22:00 UTC. But this time we had some kind of bad luck ... or Murphy was in company with us ... We arrived at Asmara Airport at app. 22:00 local time, completed all checkin procedures including our luggage, antennas, etc. 'Til 03:00 local time no Lufthansa plane arrived and we were informed that the awaited airplane is still in Saudi Arabia with technical problems (breaks) ... so we went back to the hotel where we came from ... On Friday we started the same procedure ... checkin, luggage, etc. but we had to wait 'til Saturday, November, 4th at app. 4:30 locaol time as we heard the sound of a landing Airbus A-300 ... Departure took place at 5:30 with a 3 hours stop in Frankfurt (Germany) and finally we arrived in Nuernberg (Germany) on Saturday, November, 4th at 2:00 German local time (13:00 UTC) ... But 'til today, Sunday, Nov. 5th we are missing all of our luggage (personal stuff, Amplifiers, Rotators, Antennas, etc.) except our hand luggage ... A phone call to Lufthansa a couple of minutes ago brought nothing news about our stuff ... so, we will see what's going on ...

All in all we finished with a total close to 25,000 qsos. Just before we closed the station on Tuesday, Oct. 31 there again a great opening on 6m and Chris, DL5NAM added some more calls to our 6m log. As we see the online log is not complete for look up ... we will add the rest of qsos within the next days INCLUDING ALL RTTY QSOS ... RTTY qsos were missed because we logged them with an etra program !!!

As soon as we are getting our films back from the development we will add some of them to our website ...

To design the qsl card will be one of our next jobs and of course to get the cards printed as quick as possible ...

Nevertheless we have to say "THANK YOU" to everybody who worked us and helped us to get all problems fixed and made this activity from Asmara in Eritrea possible. Especially thanks to the family of Dawit Mahray, the complete stuff of the Nyala Hotel, Mr. Zerai (Ministry of Transport and Communications), some of the custom stuff and several more without their help this activity had never taken place ... Many thanks also to the population of Eritrea ... we never saw such kind, friendly and helpful people ... IT'S REALLY WORTH TO VISIT THIS COUNTRY.

Chris, DL5NAM (E30NA) and Dieter, DF4RD (E30TA)

E30TA on the internet:

... and here one of the commentary we read:

UKSMG-announcemet-board I see the E30TA license cost them $1000 USD. If you worked them on six, why not put a bit extra in with your QSL to say thanks. I think we need to support those who dont ask for anything upfront and put on a good show on six as well as their all band effort. Neil G0JHC - Friday, November 03, 2000 at 09:55:17 (GMT/BST) ----------------------------------------------------------

---------------------------- Tedd Mirgliotta KB8NW InterNet:

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