ZCZC AP06 QST de W1AW Propagation Forecast Bulletin 6 ARLP006 >From Tad Cook, K7VVV Seattle, WA February 9, 2001 To all radio amateurs
SB PROP ARL ARLP006 ARLP006 Propagation de K7VVV
Average daily sunspot numbers were up almost ten points and solar flux was up about one point for the past week, when compared to the previous week. This seems to be a period of quiet sun, and the trend is expected to continue. Projected average daily solar flux for the next 45 days is expected to be about 163, and this is in line with current daily values.
Solar flux peaked at 170 on Tuesday, and is expected to drop over the next few days. Projected flux values for Friday through Monday, February 12, are 155 for Friday, and 150 for the next three days. Flux values are expected to meander between 155 and 165 until February 21-24, when they are expected to rise to 170 again. Another peak just above these values is expected around March 7, although it is really too early to tell.
Even with a quiet sun, there have been some unsettled geomagnetic conditions, but no real geomagnetic storms. February 6 was a bit unsettled, but the planetary K index only briefly reached 4. The planetary A index for the day was 11, which was also the mid- latitude A index. The projected planetary A index for the near term is mostly in the single digits. A forecast received today from the Solar Department of the Astronomical Institute in Ondrejov, Czech Republic shows quiet conditions on February 11, 14 and 15, and quiet to unsettled conditions on February 9, 10, 12 and 13.
Here are some path projections for propagation this weekend from somewhere near the center of the continental United States, actually just northwest of Lebanon, Kansas.
To Western Europe, 80 meters 2230-0800z (best 0230-0630z), 40 meters 2130-1100z (best 0030-0730z), 30 meters 2030-1200z (best 2330-0730z), 20 meters 1400-0030z, 17 meters 1330-0030z, 15 meters 1430-2030z, 12 meters 1500-1930z, 10 meters 1600-1830z.
To Eastern Europe, 80 meters 2330-0630z (best 0030-0130z and around 0500z), 40 meters 2230-0800z (best 0000-0430z), 30 meters 2130-0900z (best 0030-0500z), 20 meters 1400-1600z and 1900-2130z, 17 meters 1500-1830z, 15 meters 1530-1730z.
To Central Asia, 80 meters 0000-0130z, 40 meters 2330-0200z, 30 meters 2230-0230z and 1200-1430z, 20 meters 1430-0400z.
To Southern Africa, 80 meters 2330-0430z, 40 meters 2300-0500z, 30 meters 2230-0500z, 20 meters 2200-0330z, 17 meters 2000-0030z, 15 meters 1930-2330z, 12 meters 1430-2230z, 10 meters 1630-2130z.
To South America, 80 meters 0000-1000z (best 0230-0900z), 40 meters 0000-1030z (best 0030-0900z), 30 meters 2330-1100z (best 0100-0900z), 20 meters 2200-0900z and around 1130z, 17 meters 2200-0200z and 1300-1400z, 15 meters 1330-1500z and 2030-0100z, 12 meters 1400-0000z, 10 meters 1500-2230z.
To Australia, 80 meters 0930-1400z, 40 meters 0930-1500z, 30 meters 0830-1500z, 20 meters 0830-1130z and 1300-1600z, 17 meters 1500-1600z, 15 meters 1530-1630z.
To Japan, 80 meters 0730-1430z (best 1100-1300z), 40 meters 0700-1500z (best 0900-1300z), 30 meters 0630-1600z (best 0900-1300z), 20 meters 1430-1730z, 17 meters 2100-0300z, 15 meters 2130-0200z, 12 meters 2200-0030z, 10 meters 2200-2330z.
Sunspot numbers for February 1 through 7 were 141, 109, 149, 164, 157, 161 and 163 with a mean of 149.1. 10.7 cm flux was 160.9, 166.3, 163.6, 164, 165.3, 170 and 164, with a mean of 164.9, and estimated planetary A indices were 7, 5, 2, 2, 3, 11 and 5 with a mean of 5. NNNN /EX
* Origin: ---=== RA9LO Station at MO27SC ===--- (2:5077/39) _____________________________________________________________________
RZ6HGG Stavropol E-mail:rz6hgg@skiftel.ru FidoNet: 2:5064/11.30 12 февраля 2001 г. 21:07:06