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Ohio/Penn DX Bulletin No. 496

30.01.2001 09:45:45

The Ohio/Penn DX PacketCluster

DX Bulletin No. 496

BID: $OPDX.496

January 29, 2001

Editor Tedd Mirgliotta, KB8NW

Provided by BARF-80 BBS Cleveland, Ohio

Online at 440-237-8208 28.8k-1200 Baud 8/N/1

Thanks to the Northern Ohio Amateur Radio Society, Northern Ohio DX

Association, Ohio/Penn PacketCluster Network, AB5K & the AR TelNet

Clusters, ARRL Letter & W1AW DX Bulletin, N2CY, WB2YQH/WB2RAJ & The 599

DX Report, W3UR & The Daily DX, N4AA & QRZ DX, WD4NGB, AC7DX, K8YSE, N0JK,

CE6TBN, DL3TD, EA3AJI, EA5KB, F6AJA & Les Nouvelles DX, HA0DU, HK3JJH,


VU2JOS for the following DX information.

3A, MONACO. Laura, 3A2MD, is usually very active on 80 meters. Look for

her on 3506 or 3798 kHz starting 0630z. She was also heard on 20 and

10 meters CW on 28031 kHz at 1330z or on 14033 kHz at 1500z working

USA on long path. Frank, 3A2MW, is also active. Check 18135 kHz around

1000z or 14188 kHz around 1200z.

3C1, EQUATORIAL GUINEA. Erik, SM0AGD, is now active as 3C1AG until

February 5th. He has been active on 80/40/30/12/10 meters CW and 20/15

meters RTTY. A report from John, SM5DJZ, indicates that Erik is using

his normal AP8 GP, and has put up a dipole for 30 meters which later

he will be changing into a 160 meter dipole. Erik has also promised

some SSB activity, but his primary mode is CW. Erik has been very well

taken care of by Alan/3C5I and his XYL, and they meet almost every night.

Suggested frequencies he intend to use are:

CW - 1825-1830, 3500-3510, 7000-7010, 10100-10110, 14035, 18085,

21035, 24905 and 28035 kHz

SSB - Around 14195, 21295 and 28495 kHz

RTTY - 14080, 18100, 21080, 24920 and 28080 kHz

QSL via his homecall SM0AGD. His pattern of operating last week seems

to be the following:

10/12/15 meters - 0930-1730z 40 meters - 0200-0330z

20 meters - 2030-0130z 80 meters - 0430-0530z

30 meters - 0330-430z

3D2, CONWAY REEF (Update). Hrane, YT1AD, reported that the 2001 Conway

Reef DXpedition needs 2 more operators for CE0ZT DXpeditions. If interested,

please send E-mail to:

3V, TUNISIA. A YL operator was heard at the controls last week from 3V8BB

on 20 meters. Listen for Zaida to show up on 14260 kHz starting around

1100z and staying as late as 1400z.

3W, VIETNAM. This entity continues to have activity from it. 3W6AR was

heard on 21274 kHz from about 0015z to 0100z. Hau, 3W6LI, was heard

from Saigon on 28475 kHz around 0930z. QSL via IK2DUW.

3Y, BOUVET. Chuck, 3Y0C, continues to be active but mainly on 20

meters. However, he does show up once and awhile on 80/40/17 meters.

>From the WD4NGB Web page, Chuck's Icom PW1 amp is still not working,

but support guys have been in daily contact with the Icom reps in Japan

trying to find the problem on the PW1 amp. They are sending information

back and forth daily on the results of many tests. Chuck's beam is repaired,

and back up. He is still trying to make up some new antennas. The Hexbeam

is the only one of the originals to be in one piece. It has been repaired,

but the vertical was not repairable. He has put some low band wire

antennas up and will work on them as time permits. Chuck has been very

busy and in his spare time, he will try to get on RTTY within the next

2 days. Chuck has one more glitch in the RTTY software to correct, but

it looks good.

A5, BHUTAN. The Johnson family (A52GJ, A52MJ, A52VJ and A52YL) will be

active until February 2nd. Glenn, A52GJ, seems to be active the mostly.

He has really been hitting the lower bands at various times lately. If

you miss this activity, you will have another chance to work another

operator. Look for Dimitri, RA9CO, to be active as A52CO March 15-21st

on all bands CW and SSB.

AP, PAKISTAN. Bob, AP2JZB, has been calling CQ for stateside stations

on 17/12/10 meters also daily between 1300-1430z. Check around 18125,

24950 and between 28470 and 28510 kHz. QSL via K2EWB.

C9, MOZAMBIQUE. Hans, C91CU, was active this past week on 14165 kHz

for over an hour starting around 1715z.

D2, ANGOLA. Gabriele, D2EB, was heard on 15/10 meters this past week

between 1700 and 1800z. Check 21333 and 28495 kHz. QSL via I3LLH.

D6, COMOROS. By the time you read this, the D68BT and D68WL will be QRT

(expected at 1200z, Sunday, January 28th). Their estimated QSO count is

around 24,000 QSOs in the log (with dupes, around 32,000). Check the

following Web pages for more information:

Picture -

Album Pictures -

Log Search -

ADDED NOTE: If you missed working this operation, do not worry. A very

large operation will be taking place between February 8-28th. Look for

D68C to be active on all bands and modes.

FG, GUADELOUPE (Also KP4). Hiro, JA2EZD, who has been active throughout

the Caribbean (FM/Martinigue, J6/St.Lucia, J7/Dominica) the last few weeks

should be active from here as FG5BG. He is expected to leave here and

head to Puerto Rico (KP4)in early February. Most of his activity has

been on CW on 80/40/20/15/10, but there has been SSB. QSL via XW2A.

HK0, MALPELO ISLAND. Pedro, HK3JJH, sent a message to your editor in

Spanish which I tried my best to translate. Pedro reports to OPDX that

he is planning a DXpedition to Malpelo for which he has "corresponding

permission". There were NO dates given. However, he is look for some

help (green stamps) for this project. He plans to be on the island for a

month and will be active on 80/40/20/17/15/12/10 meters SSB and possibly

RTTY. Credits will be given to any individual or organiztion that helps

or endorses his project.

IOTA DXPEDITIONS BY BERT. Bert, PA3GIO, informs OPDX that he is going to

be very busy activing IOTAs this year in the Caribbean, Central America,

India Ocean and the Tasman Sea. Here is his planned schedule:

March 11-16th - Bert, PA3GIO, will be active as V31GI on Southwest Caye,

Glovers Reef, Belize (NA-180). Activity will be on

80-10 meters SSB only (check the usual IOTA or DX

frequencies. QSL preferable by the Bureau to PA3GIO.


Mirror USA:

March 28th through April 2nd - Bert, PA3GIO, will be active on Saba

Island (NA-145) as PJ6/PA3GIO/m. Activity will be on

20-10 meters SSB only (IOTA or DX frequencies). QSL

preferable by the Bureau to PA3GIO.


Mirror USA:

September 8-14th (Exact dates depending on flights) - Bert, PA3GIO,

will be active as VK9CQ from Cocos Keeling (OC-003).

Activity will be on 80-10 meters SSB only (IOTA or

DX frequencies). QSL preferable by the Bureau to



Mirror USA:

September 15-22nd (Exact dates depending on flights) - Bert, PA3GIO,

will be as VK9XV from Christmas Island (OC-002). Look

for activity on 80-10 meters SSB only (IOTA or DX

frequencies). QSL preferable by the Bureau to PA3GIO.


Mirror USA:

October 9-15th (Exact dates depending on flights) - Bert, PA3GIO,

will be active as VK9LO from Lord Howe Island (OC-004).

Activity will be on 80-10 meters SSB only (IOTA or DX

frequencies). QSL preferable by the Bureau to PA3GIO.


Mirror USA:

** ADDED NOTE. Bert adds that since January 17, 2001, he has mailed 20000

direct and bureau VK9CQ and VK9XV QSL cards. You can see what the VK9 QSL

card looks like at his Web site:

IOTA NEWS................

AN-006. Paul, UX2HO, will once again be active as EM1HO in February

from the Antarctic, from the Vernadtsky Base on Galindez

Island. He will be active on all modes and bands (WARC and

6m included). QSL via I2PJA direct or bureau.

AS-025. Operator Yuri, RA0FU, is now active from the Island of Kunashir

(RR-15-05) and will be active until January 31st. He will use

an Icom 756PRO and R7 antenna. QSL direct to: Yuri Burykh,

P.O. Box 12, Yu-Sakhalinsk-23, 693023 Russia. Detailed

information is expected to appear on the "Asia DX Window-HF

WebCluster" at:

AS-062. Alex/RU0LM will once again be operating as RU0LM/0 from

Shikotan Island for about two month. His activity may begin

next week or early February. QSL via UA0MF: Mike Filippov,

P.O.Box 20, (not 29), Vladivostok, 690021,Russia.

J2, DJIBOUTI. Jean, J28NH, has been active lately on PSK31 on 10 meters

on 28121 kHz around 0645z and 20 meters on 14080 kHz around 1700z. He

has also been heard on 12 meters SSB on 24955 kHz around 1345z.

J3, GRENADA. Willi, DJ7RJ, is now active as J3/DJ7RJ until February 3rd.

Over the last few days, he was heard on 80/40/20/15/12/10 meters CW/SSB.

Check 80/40 meters after 0200z as late as 0800z, 20/15 meters after 1900z

and 12/10 meters after 1330z. QSL via DJ7RJ.

KH9, WAKE ISLAND. Start looking for Terry, K7ASU, to be active from here

as K7ASU/KH9 until February 24th. His activity will be mostly on PSK31

and with some CW. QSL via K7ASU.

NEW DXNL EDITOR. Lothar Wilke, DL3TD, Chairman of the DARC Committee for

DX and HF Contesting, has announced a new editor for the DARC DX Newsletter.

The editor will be Karlfried Henrichs, DL1EK, who is a well-known person

within the DX and contest community. The first DARC DX Newsletter edited

by DL1EK will be published during the first week of February. You can

reach Karlfried via his E-mail:

QSL INFO AND NEWS....................

David, VK3EW, reports that direct QSLs cards for the special event

station, AX3OLY (VK3), active during the 2000 Olympic Games, will be

going out or should be received shortly. Also, if you are in the log

and did not send a card you will receive a special QSL via the Bureau

shortly. The AX3OLY station achieved a QSO total of close to 1800 in

102 DXCC Countries in around 27 hours of the total operating time.

QSLs for AX3OLY go to VK3WI.

Alan, VK8AV, was active as AX8AV on January 25-26th. Remember January

26th was Australia Day. QSL via UA9XC. Log search can be found on the

Web site at:

Pepe, EA5KB, informs OPDX that he is now the QSL Manager for the

following stations: CX5AO, CX2AQ, CO8CY and CE2LZR. He has all the

logs. He states to please QSL via the bureau or direct to CBA.

Jon, N0JK, reports that he has received the QSL cards from the printer

for his FG/N0JK operation, and they should be going out this past weekend.

His FG/N0JK activity took place at the end of November where he was

active on 6 meters and was in the CQWW CW Contest. More info can be

found on the Web page at:

Oscar, HK6DOS, (QSL Manager for CO6XN) reports that the cost of the

air mail postage increased in Colombia. To U.S.A., Canada, Central and

South America it has gone up 60% and to Europe, Asia, Africa and

Oceania 65%. One dollar is not enough to answer one QSL card. The

note of one "green stamp" is a low denomination, and he can't change

it for the real value. He states that it is better to send an IRC or

two dollars. QSL cards that arrive without IRC or two "green stamps"

will be answered via bureau.

Ron, AC7DX, informs OPDX that he has taken over the chores (from NU4N)

as QSL Manager for the following stations: KL9A, KL7FH, WL7KY and


The "Far East Island DX Club" (FEIDXC) has begun to send QSL cards

out for the RK0FWL/p DXpedition (July-August 2000) from Moneron Island

(IOTA AS-149). If you have not sent for the card, but are planning to,

REMEMBER to send it to: Eugene Popov, P.O.Box 79, Yu-Sakhalinsk-10,

693010, Russia. It MUST have a name under the new requirements by the

Russia postal service or the mail will be returned. The RK0FWL/p Web

site with a Log Search, Photos and information on the island, can be

found at:

Stations ZX7R and ZX7CW that were active over the past weekend from

Fort King Magicians in Natal, Capital of Rio Grande do Norte State-RN

(PS7), get QSLed via PS7HF: Fabio Hoelz, P.O. Box 974, Natal - RN

ZIP: 59041-970, Brazil, South America.

S2, BANGLADESH. The "ARRL Letter and DX Bulletin" states John, KX7YT,

is active from Dhaka until February 1st as S21YV. His activity will be

on 20 meters only with operations on SSB, PSK31, MFSK16, and possibly CW

and RTTY. He will be looking for stateside stations between 0100-0200z

and 1500-1700z. He has been alternating days on 14195 kHz SSB and 14071

kHz on PSK31. QSL via KX7YT. Core says he will apply for an extension of

operating authority and hopes to be back in Bangladesh in April as well.

SPECIAL EVENT. Only a few days left to work ZY3WSF which is active during

the World-wide Social Forum (FSM) (taking place now through January 30th)

for the first time, in the city of Porto Cheers, state of Rio Grande do

Sul, Brazil. Activity is expected on 80-10 meters CW/SSB. QSL via PY3FBI


TT8, CHAD. Two stations were active this past week, TT8FC and TT8RH. TT8FC

was 7012 kHz between 0245 and 0430z. QSL via EA4AHK. TT8RH was heard

on 20/15 meters CW. Activity on 15 meters was between 1030 and 1345

on 21020 kHz and 20 meters on 14010 kHz after 1600z. QSL TT8RH via


V2, ANTIGUA. Chuck, N2CY, will be operating here from February 27th through

March 4th, and expects to sign as V26CY. He will be an entry in the ARRL

SSB Contest, but expects to be on the air prior to the contest on all

bands including the WARC bands, SSB and CW. QSL to his home call N2CY.

VP8, FALKLAND ISLANDS. Paul, VP8DBQ, has been active on 20/15 meters

between 0930z and 1030z. Check 21297 and 14250 kHz. QSL via M1AIB.

VU EMERGENCY COMMUNICATION. A major earthquake hit India last week

and the following information was provided by Jose Jacob, VU2JOS:

"Members of National Institute of Amateur Radio (NIAR), VU2NRO, Hyderabad

have established HF/VHF stations in the earthquake affected areas of

Gujarat for providing emergency relief communications to the Government.

Our main frequency is 14.160 Mhz. The callsigns are VU2LIC, VU2MYH, VU2LFA,

VU3RBN..... Other local and out station Hams are also active." So, it is

requested that all international amateur radio operators please stay clear

of 14160 kHz and 7023 kHz until further notice.

YJ, VANUATU. Currently Sigi/DK9FN and Bernhard/DL2GAC are active as YJ0AFN

and YJ0ABS, respectively, until February 10th. They do hope to activate

some of the rare IOTA islands if they can solve transportation problem.

Sigi is active mostly on CW, and Bernhard on SSB. Sigi is trying to work

Europe on the low bands around his sunrise (there were 80m CW spots around

1700z). QSL YJ0AFN via HA8FW and YJ0ABS via DL2GAC.


SPECIAL NOTE BY EDITOR: If you are having a problem receiving bounced

mail by sending mail to me via " ", please send

mail to me via " "...... TNX de Tedd KB8NW



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Excerpts and distribution of The OPDX Bulletin are granted as long as

KB8NW/OPDX/BARF80 receive credit. To contribute DX info, call BARF-80 BBS

online at 440-237-8208 28.8k/14400/9600/2400/1200 and leave a message with

the Sysop or send via InterNet Mail to: - OR -

Use the VOICE or FAX answering machine at 440-237-8208 which shares the

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Additional Bulletins for OPDX InterNet Subscribers.


The following may NOT be suitable for transmission and is probably

against the rules listed in FCC's Part 97.


From: "Bill Feidt" <>


Date: Tue, 23 Jan 2001 08:05:43 -0500

MIME-Version: 1.0

The NG3K "Announced Operation" tables for the 2001 ARRL DX Contests

(CW & SSB) are now available. They can be found at the following


CW -


The tables may be sorted by either Callsign (the default) or by

DXCC entity. To sort by DXCC, just click the "DXCC" link in the

table header column. If you're already viewing the "by DXCC"

page, you can return to the "by Callsign" version by clicking

the "Call" link in the table header column.

Based on a suggestion by OZ1AA, I've added "new" icons to newly

added announcements. The icon will remain for 7 days. If you

"hover" your mouse pointer over the icon, the date the item was

added will appear briefly.

New listings for significant (M/M or less common DXCC entities

or Zones, etc.) operations will be appreciated. Please send

full particulars to:

Please include:

1. Whether the operation is for CW, SSB, or both.

2. Callsign to be used in the operation

3. DXCC Entity

4. Intended class of entry

5. QSL route

6. Operation Web page URL, if available

7. E-mail contact for further information

8. Dates of additional operation outside the contest

9. City or locale from which the operation will take place

10. Callsigns of the operator(s)

11. Other operation details likely to be of interest to

other DXers and Contesters (e.g. QSL address if not

commonly available, power level, antennas, etc.)

The announcement tables will be updated as new information is

received or discovered.






To: <>

Date: Wed, 24 Jan 2001 03:06:45 +0300

MIME-Version: 1.0

The Radio Amateur's Journal of the

Commonwealth of Independent States

P. O. Box 50 Moscow 109439

Russian Federation

Dear OM,

I have some great news! For a long time, there's been a need to deliver a

new, fresh approach to radio amateur's life in the Commonwealth of

Independent States. At last, we've done it with Funkner DX Family.

Edited by Yuri V. Funkner (RN3FX), CQ from CIS is the HAM's magazine -

written by HAM RADIO in the CIS for HAM's all over the world.

In this magazine you will find the comprehensive information on all

aspects of HAM RADIO in countries of the CIS. The magazine is published

in English, periodicity 1 time per one month, since July, 2001. Here's

a summary of what you'll find in each issue:

* awards, diplomas, certificates and other HAM trophies

* clubs, groups and other HAM associations

* contests, days of activity and other HAM measures

* geography of areas, islands and other territories

* national symbolics and history

* anniversaries and holidays

* DX-Net's, Round Tables and other HAM networks

* addresses of QSL-bureaus, DX-stations, QSL-managers and other

radioamateur's stations

* DX-peditions and memorial radiostations

* antennas and auxiliaries

* frequencies allocation and types of modulation on categories of

radioamateur's stations

* national radioamateur's organizations and allocation of the prefixes

of call-signs on locales

* biographies of the known HAM's

* collection of QSL-cards

* actual DX-information within the framework of popular award's programs

of the World: DXCC, IOTA, WAZ, W-ITU-Z, RRA, WPX, R-100-O, WAU etc.

* HAM's meetings and conferences

* information on corporations rendering every possible services for HAM's

* database of E-mail's, Packet's and Internet's addresses of HAM's,

clubs and other radioamateur's organizations

* history of HAM movement

* Novices and SWL's

* circuits and descriptions of self-made HAM constructions

* museum of radio equipment

* HAM computer programs

* information on HAM periodicals and other useful literature

* articles of scientific character on a radio physics, about a radio

propagation, about new types of modulation etc.

* photos, interesting histories, letters from the radioamateurs and much


Countries of the Commonwealth of Independent States:

4K - Azerbaijan, 4L - Georgia, EK - Armenia, ER - Moldova, EU - Belarus,

EX - Kyrgyzstan, EY - Tajikistan, EZ - Turkmenistan, R - Russia,

UK - Uzbekistan, UN - Kazakhstan & UR - Ukraine.

Don't miss out! You can become a charter subscriber and receive the

premiere, July 2001, issue. For only $60/year, 12 issues of CQ from CIS

will be delivered to your door via first class mail.

If you have decided to become the subscriber of our magazine, send SASE

and we shall send you the Subscription Form, it will be necessary to fill

in and to return which one to us. The Subscription Form can be received

also via E-Mail.

CQ from CIS - there's simply nothing else like it. Whether you're just

starting out or been "working'em" for years, CQ from CIS is just what you

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73! de RN3FX, Yuri V. Funkner

Funkner DX Family

Address: P. O. Box 50, Moscow, 109439, Russia

Phone: (095) 575-19-12

On the air: RZ3DZZ




Tedd Mirgliotta KB8NW


Basic Amateur Radio Frequency BBS (BARF-80) +1 (440) 237-8208

"Totally devoted to Amateur Radio" - 24 Hrs a day 8/N/1 28.8k-1200 baud

* Origin: ---=== RA9LO Station at MO27SC ===--- (2:5077/39)





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29 января 2001 г.


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