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13.12.2000 18:20:04

ANS is a free, weekly, news and information service of AMSAT North America, the Radio Amateur Satellite Corporation. ANS reports on the activities of a worldwide group of Amateur Radio operators who share an active interest in designing, building, launching and communicating through analog and digital Amateur Radio satellites.

ANS is first released via the AMSAT-NA 20-meter net held each Sunday on 14.282 MHz. Pre-net operations start at 18:00 UTC, with current ANS bulletins transmitted to the western U.S. at 19:00 UTC and to the eastern U.S. at 19:30 UTC. ANS is also released worldwide via the AMSAT ANS e-mail reflector.

AMSAT-NA is pleased to announce that recent and future development in Amateur Radio satellites will take place in Atlanta, Georgia at the 19th Space Symposium and AMSAT-NA Annual Meeting, October 5-6, 2001. The 2001 Symposium Chairman is Steve Diggs, W4EPI. Contact W4EPI at:

Information on AMSAT-NA is available at the following URL: (or from)

AMSAT-NA 850 Sligo Avenue, Suite 600 Silver Spring, Maryland 20910-4703

Voice: 301-589-6062 FAX: 301-608-3410

Currently, AMSAT-NA supports the following (free) mailing lists:

* AMSAT News Service (ANS) * General satellite discussion (AMSAT-BB) * Orbit data (KEPS) * Manned space missions (SAREX) * District of Columbia area (AMSAT-DC) * New England area (AMSAT-NE) * AMSAT Educational Liaison mailing list (AMSAT-EDU) * AMSAT K-12 Educational Liaison mailing list (AMSAT-K12)

A daily digest version is available for each list.

To subscribe, or for more list information, visit the following URL:

This edition of ANS is dedicated to the memory of Steve Affens, K3SA, a well-known contester and DXer from Olney, Maryland, who died recently. K3SA was first licensed in 1963. In his professional life he was a videographer for WJLA in Washington, DC, which described him as "one of the nation's most distinguished photojournalists." [ANS thanks KA3TUE, W3UR, WB3GXW, and the ARRL for this information]

ANS is always dedicated to the memory of past ANS editor 'BJ' Arts, WT0N, and to the memory of long-time AMSAT supporter Werner Haas, DJ5KQ.



General housekeeping tasks continue underway as ground stations test the complex systems onboard AMSAT OSCAR-40. Magnetorquing operations have also continued this past week.

North American P3D Command Station operator Stacey Mills, W4SM, reports both S-band transmitters (S-1 and S-2) has been activated recently. The S-band transmitters will be activated when reasonable squint angle and visibility are available. ANS reminds all ground stations that doppler correction at S-band frequencies and at this point in the orbit will be dramatic.

Greg, NьZHE, reports the S-2 beacon was heard at his QTH with good signals using a Drake downconverter and a homebrew 20 turn helix. Bill, WA2TQI, also reports good signals using a dish and a Drake downconverter. "Signals where running 3 to 4 S-units above the noise," said Bill, "and I was able to read telemetry intermittently."

Several stations have noted the recent IHU-2 software crashes indicated by downlinked telemetry. AO-40 command station operator James Miller, G3RUH, comments: "IHU-2, which is repeating the IHU-1 information, has crashed recently. The data is a diagnostic dump of CPU registers, stacks etc. I reset IHU-2." James also reports that " there is at least one command station monitoring AO-40 all the time. We don't miss much!"

Any IHU-2 software crash is not considered to be a serious problem by the AO-40 team.

The current focus on AO-40 is the orbital parameter change involving the 400N onboard engine. This first burn unofficially took place on December 11th at 04:14 UTC, with a second burn also planned. As this edition of ANS is released, the success or failure of the burn events were not available from the AO-40 command team. Stay tuned to ANS for full details as they become available.

Jim, WD0E, reported to ANS that the RUDAK experiment aboard AO-40 was powered on for the first time recently. According to WD0E the RUDAK team (in Colorado) was able to command AO-40 to bring up the level on one of the RUDAK 9k6 modulators "and we were able to hear it via the S-2 transmitter." Jim reports this is the first step in a long process to test all the RUDAK subsystems. In addition to its packet-radio-service communication, RUDAK is the key to experiments like SCOPE, GPS, CEDEX and RF-Monitor.

RUDAK frequencies may be changed during the commissioning process (without prior announcement), currently they are:

RUDAK-A 2401.747 and 2401.720 MHz RUDAK-B 2401.867 and 2401.847 MHz

The GPS equipment supported by RUDAK will be tested and checked out as power, pointing angles, and other primary 'bus' commissioning activities allow. The GPS units should provide interesting information about the satellite, including element and attitude data. Jim wisely points out that "this assumes all the bits and pieces work. The GPS equipment is very much an experiment."

RUDAK team member KB0G announced the availability of an updated set of web pages with information about the RUDAK digital communications system aboard AO-40. Access the material from the link on the AMSAT page or view the RUDAK information directly at:

There is another (new) AO-40 web page, dealing with getting started on AO-40, and general help in receiving AO-40 telemetry. Check out this new information at:

The latest batch of AO-40 images are available at:

AMSAT's AO-40 telemetry archive is at:

Stay tuned to ANS, the official source of information on AMSAT OSCAR 40.

[ANS thanks AMSAT-DL and AMSAT-NA for this information]




The ARRL is reporting that ARISS delegates have ratified new bylaws and elected officers during a meeting held recently at Goddard Space Flight Center in Maryland.

Delegates from the United States, Russia, a consortium of European countries, Canada and Japan elected AMSAT's Frank Bauer, KA3HDO, to chair the ARISS Board. European Sub-regional Working Group Chairman Gaston Bertels, ON4WF, was chosen as Vice Chair. ARRL Field and Educational Services Manager Rosalie White, K1STO, was elected Secretary-Treasurer. All will serve for two years. Congratulations to all from AMSAT News Service!

ARISS delegates also approved a QSL card that features a beautiful color photograph of the orbiting station and a Russian proposal to send up a higher-power mobile transceiver to be installed in the Zvezda Service Module. A proposal to activate Slow-Scan TV was also reviewed.

On the communications front, Randy Shriver, KG3N, of Hanover, Pennsylvania managed to snag the first informal contact with ISS crew commander William Shepherd, KD5GSL. The contact took place on November 13th as Shepard completed an 'engineering pass' contact with NN1SS. KG3N dropped in a quick call, and Shepherd came back to him using his own call sign.

Students at the Luther Burbank School in Burbank, Illinois, will get a chance to speak with the crew of Space Station Alpha very soon. AMSAT's Will Marchant, KC6ROL, says the contact is scheduled to take place on December 19th. "I've just been told that the Burbank school contact is confirmed for Tuesday," said KC6ROL, adding, "remember that this is contingent upon normal operations on orbit... but, everything looks good!" Efforts are under way to set up a Web-cast of the contact.

Another 18 schools are under consideration for ARISS school contacts.

The Discovery Channel aired a program that most Amateur Radio satellite operators found very interesting. 'Inside the Space Station' initially was broadcast on Sunday, December 10th. The program mentions the ARISS program and the ham gear aboard ISS. In case ANS readers missed it, the program repeats in North America on December 17, 18 and 23, 2000. Check local listing for times, or visit the Discovery Channel web site for details at:

KC6ROL has added new links with more details about the upcoming school contact, the ARISS partners meeting, and the new NASA web page about Amateur Radio. Check it out at:

[ANS thanks the ARISS team, Will Marchant, KC6ROL, and the ARRL for this information]




ANS feels that it's never too late to start putting your plans together to attend the 19th Space Symposium and AMSAT-NA Annual Meeting -- scheduled for the fall of 2001!

Here are some preliminary details:

Time: Friday and Saturday, October 5 and 6, 2001 Location: Holiday Inn Select 130 Clairemont Ave. Decatur, Georgia 30030-2501

The Symposium Chairman is Steve Diggs, W4EPI. Steve told ANS "that Decatur is a historic city near downtown Atlanta, the site a of Civil War battle. The hotel is within walking distance of MARTA, our rapid rail transit system. An attendee can get on MARTA outside of baggage claim at the Hartsfield Airport and ride all the way to Decatur."

Information about the Decatur Holiday Inn Select can be found at:

Steve mentioned that his efforts as Symposium Chair are being supplemented by his wife Diana, "she is definitely my right hand in organizing this whole thing," said W4EPI.

Contact Steve at: W4EPI's home page is at:

[ANS thanks Steve and Diana Diggs for this information]




ANS news in brief this week includes the following:

** AMSAT has several satellite awards available including some that are QSL-free, (such as the W4AMI Satellite Operator Achievement Award). See for details. -Paul, KB5MU

** The ARRL's Joe Moell, K0OV, says hams in the Central U.S. had an unusual form of public service as many have been listening just above 172 MHz for brief transmissions from radio tags on 52 endangered burrowing owls. The rare birds have left Saskatchewan and Alberta for warmer weather in southern Texas and northern Mexico. Now that the fall migration is complete, hams in Texas and surrounding states are being asked to monitor for the tags this winter. For details on owl-tracking efforts, visit -ARRL

** President Clinton has signed legislation that permits the enforcement of certain FCC Citizens Band regulations by state and local governments. Amateur Radio operators are exempt from the provisions of the law, now PL 106-521. -ARRL

** Pat, N8PK, reports the recent shuttle launch was "the third time I've seen it from Maryland and this was the longest and brightest to date." Pat says the launch actually had some color to it as well, a little bit of orange and red. According to the commentator on shuttle re-transmission station WA3NAN - pat reports that it was travelling at about 4,000 mph and climbing when he saw it. -Pat, N8PK

** ON1CAU has updated his web site with AO-40 related information and audio from the V-band beacon -- recorded by YB4JIM, NP2L, N8TDL and ON1CAU using three different formats. Checkout the site at the following URL: -Berto, ON1CAU

** As Christmas approaches, the brilliant 'evening star' Venus will shine close to a thin crescent Moon during and after twilight. The sight will be a head-turner -- a beautiful celestial display worth making a special note to see. -SpaceDaily

** The Times of India newspaper reports recently that cheap cordless telephones imported illegally are causing havoc on VHF frequencies including interference with Amateur Radio satellites. CQ magazine has more details at: -Rich, W2VU

** AMSAT-NA President VE3FRH was asked just what he wanted for Christmas... and replied "some of us have a problem in deciding what we want for Christmas, and I thought a one year membership in AMSAT (or more) along with various AO-40 related premiums might be a good idea!" ANS agrees! Another way to help with AO-40 funding is with a donation by ordering the 1:20th scale, fully detailed display model kit of Phase 3D. Call Martha at 301-589-6062 for details. -NN0DJ

** The Spacewatch Project at the University of Arizona has discovered a minor planet in the outer reaches of the solar system which appears to be the brightest known such object other than Pluto. -SpaceDaily





Phase 3D / AMSAT OSCAR 40 / AO-40 V-band beacon: 145.898 MHz S-Band transmitters: operational at certain times Launched: November 16, 2000 aboard an Ariane 5 launcher from Kourou, French Guiana. A 50-second video of the launch can be seen at:

Status: Initial commissioning and housekeeping tasks continue underway

Uplink/downlink frequency plan:

Although safely in orbit, there is much work to be done with Phase 3D before the satellite is opened for general Amateur Radio use. Initial housekeeping tasks are now underway to verify the health of the many complex systems onboard - followed by bringing these systems online.

[ANS thanks AMSAT-NA and AMSAT-DL for this information]

INTERNATIONAL SPACE STATION/ARISS Worldwide packet uplink: 145.990 MHz Region 1 voice uplink: 145.200 MHz Region 2/3 voice uplink: 144.490 MHz Worldwide downlink: 145.800 MHz TNC callsign RZ3DZR ARISS initial station launched September 2000 aboard shuttle Atlantis Status: Operational (although current ISS workload is limiting operation)

ARISS is made up of delegates from major national Amateur Radio organizations, including AMSAT.

U.S. callsign: NA1SS (NN1SS will be used for ground-based transmissions from the Goddard Space Flight Center) Russian callsign: RZ3DZR German call sign: DL0ISS

RZ3DZR is also the callsign entered into the TNC currently onboard Alpha.

More information about the project can be found on the ARISS web site at

[ANS thanks ARISS team member Will Marchant, KC6ROL, for this information]

RADIO SPORT RS-13 Uplink 21.260 to 21.300 MHz CW/SSB Downlink 145.860 to 145.900 MHz CW/SSB Beacon 145.860 MHz Launched: February 5, 1991 aboard a Russian Cosmos C launcher Status: Operational, mode T

Much confusion concerning the status of RS-12 and RS-13.

Kevin, AC5DK, and Jerry, K5OE, have provide the following information in order to clarify the current situation:

RS-12: recently both 2 and 10-meter beacons have been on (intermittent 10-meter beacon).

RS-13: in mode T (not mode KT). The 2-meter beacon is on (145.860 +/-) and the mode-T robot is on and working/replying. (The uplink/downlink frequencies shown above are accurate --ANS).

The latest information on RS-12 and RS-13 can be found on the AC5DK RS-12/13 Satellite Operators page at:

[ANS thanks Kevin Manzer, AC5DK, for this information]

RADIO SPORT RS-15 Uplink 145.858 to 145.898 MHz CW/SSB Downlink 29.354 to 29.394 MHz CW/SSB Beacon 29.352 MHz (intermittent) SSB meeting frequency 29.380 MHz (unofficial) Launched: December 26, 1994 from the Baikonur Cosmodrome Status: Semi-operational, mode-A, using a 2-meter uplink and a 10-meter downlink

Dave, WB6LLO, has operating information for both RS-15 (and RS-13) on his web site. In addition to satellite data, antenna information for mode-A operation is also featured. The WB6LLO web site URL is:

[ANS thanks Dave Guimont, WB6LLO, for this information]

OSCAR 10 AO-10 Uplink 435.030 to 435.180 MHz CW/LSB Downlink 145.975 to 145.825 MHz CW/USB Beacon 145.810 MHz (unmodulated carrier) Launched: June 16, 1983 by an Ariane launcher from Kourou, French Guiana Status: Semi-operational, mode-B. AO-10 has been locked into a 70-cm uplink and a 2-meter downlink for several years

DX continues to be worked (and heard) on AO-10. Jerry, K5OE, reports AO-10 has been very well behaved over North America the last few weeks. Strong signals have been heard from Europe, ZR6, VK, ZL, and JA. VK5ZAI reports contacts with V73AT and ZL2MN. Charlie, VR2XMT, worked EY8MM.

ANS Principal Satellite Investigator N1JEZ reports AO-10 has been very active, "no doubt due to the excitement cause by AO-40." Mike reports working Ed, LU7DZ, who Mike has not heard on AO-10 since 1995! Mike says Ed is back with a brand new FT-847. N1JEZ also reports DX activity from all over Europe.

W4SM has more information about the satellite at the following URL:

[ANS thanks Stacey Mills, W4SM, for his AO-10 status information and web site]

AMRAD AO-27 Uplink 145.850 MHz FM Downlink 436.795 MHz FM Launched: September 26, 1993 by an Ariane launcher from Kourou, French Guiana Status: Operational, mode J

Periodically, AO-27's analog repeater will be turned off for a few days at a time to enable ground controllers to gather Whole Orbital Data (WOD), to verify the health of the satellite.

An AO-27 question-and-answer page is available on the AMSAT-NA web site. The URL is:

AO-27 uses a method called Timed Eclipse Power Regulation (TEPR) to regulate the on-board batteries. In simple terms, TEPR times how long the satellite has been in an eclipse (or in the sun) and decides what subsystems to turn on or off. The current TEPR settings (as of November 25, 2000) are:

TEPR 4 18 TEPR 5 36

The AO-27 pages on the AMSAT-NA web site include an explanation of TEPR AO-27 operations (at):

[ANS thanks AMRAD for AO-27 information]

UO-14 Uplink 145.975 MHz FM Downlink 435.070 MHz FM Launched: January 22, 1990 by an Ariane launcher from Kourou, French Guiana Status: Operational, mode J

Tim, KG8OC, has updated the Michigan AMSAT Information site to include UO-14 information -- point your web browser to the following URL:

[ANS thanks Chris Jackson, G7UPN/ZL2TPO, for UO-14 information]

SUNSAT SO-35 Mode J Uplink: 145.825 MHz FM Mode J Downlink: 436.250 MHz FM

Mode B Uplink: 436.291 MHz FM Mode B Downlink: 145.825 MHz FM Launched: February 23, 1999 by a Delta II rocket from Vandenberg Air Force Base in California Status: Operational.

Tim, N1RZ, reports he made his first SO-35 satellite contact and was amazed at the audio quality of the downlink.

The SunSat package includes 1200 and 9600 baud digital store-and-forward capability and a voice 'parrot' repeater system that will be used primarily for educational demonstrations in addition to Mode B/J operation. The satellite has two VHF and two UHF transmit-receive systems.

For more information on SunSat, including the official operating schedule, visit the following URL:

A summary of the active modes and frequency allocations for SunSat is available at the following URL:

[ANS thanks Garth Milne, ZR1AFH, for this information]

JAS-1b FO-20 Uplink 145.90 to 146.00 MHz CW/LSB Downlink 435.80 to 435.90 MHz CW/USB Launched: February 07, 1990 by an H1 launcher from the Tanegashima Space Center in Japan Status: Operational. FO-20 is in mode JA continuously

Tak, JA2PKI, reported the FO-20 control station operators believe that the UVC (Under Voltage Controller) now is regulating the transponder. The UVC monitors battery voltage and tries to protect the batteries from over discharge. Tak notes that FO-20, launched in 1990, is now over 10 years old.

[ANS thanks Kazu Sakamoto, JJ1WTK, for the FO-20 status reports]

JAS-2 FO-29 Launched: August 17, 1996, by an H-2 launcher from the Tanegashima Space Center in Japan Status: Operational

Voice/CW Mode JA Uplink 145.90 to 146.00 MHz CW/LSB Downlink 435.80 to 435.90 MHz CW/USB

Digital Mode JD Uplink 145.850 145.870 145.910 MHz FM Downlink 435.910 MHz 1200 baud BPSK or 9600 baud FSK Callsign 8J1JCS Digitalker 435.910 MHz

The JARL FO-29 command station has announced the following operation schedule of FO-29:

through December 15 mode JA December 16 - 24 mode JD 1200 baud PSK Dec. 25 - Jan. 7 mode JA

Mike, KF4FDJ, has put together a very informative document on FO-29, addressing the analog, digital and digi-talker modes. To obtain a copy e-mail Mike at:

Mineo, JE9PEL, has a FO-29 satellite telemetry analysis program that will automatically analyze all digital telemetry from the satellite (such as current, voltage and temperature). The JE9PEL FO-29/shareware is available at the following URL:

[ANS thanks Kazu Sakamoto, JJ1WTK, for the FO-29 status reports]

SAUDISAT-1A Uplink to be released Downlink 437.075 MHz Broadcast Callsign SAUSAT1-11 BBS SAUSAT1-12 Launched: September 26, 2000 aboard a converted Soviet ballistic missile from the Baikonur Cosmodrome Status: Commissioning stage, initial housekeeping tasks underway

SaudiSat-1A will operate as 9600 baud digital store-and-forward systems as well analog FM repeater mode capability. One of two new ham satellites from the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia built by the Space Research Institute at the King Abdulaziz City for Science and Technology.

SAUDISAT-1B Uplink to be released Downlink 436.775 MHz Broadcast Callsign SAUSAT2-11 BBS SAUSAT2-12 Launched: September 26, 2000 aboard a converted Soviet ballistic missile from the Baikonur Cosmodrome Status: Commissioning stage, initial housekeeping tasks underway

SaudiSat-1B will operate as 9600 baud digital store-and-forward systems as well analog FM repeater mode capability. One of two new ham satellites from the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia built by the Space Research Institute at the King Abdulaziz City for Science and Technology.




TIUNGSAT-1 Uplink 145.850 or 145.925 MHz 9600 baud FSK Downlink 437.325 MHz Broadcast callsign MYSAT3-11 BBS MYSAT3-12 Launched: September 26, 2000 aboard a converted Soviet ballistic missile from the Baikonur Cosmodrome Status: Operational, 38k4 baud FSK

Chris, G7UPN, tells ANS that recently, TiungSat-1 has been operating at a data rate of 38k4. Data recovery at 38k4 is reported to be extremely good with efficiencies near 100%. The output power is at 8-watts "which should provide a very good downlink," said Chris, adding "the downside is that with the high power transmitter operating, the power budget is negative so we can't support continuous operation."

According to G7UPN, TiungSat-1 now requires the Amateur Radio station to switch the downlink 'on' when the satellite comes into range. The way this works is for the ground station software to send a request to the spacecraft to switch the downlink on. The spacecraft receives this request and checks the battery voltage to see if it can support the operation, and if it can it will activate the downlink.

CT1EAT reports that "after tracking TiungSat-1 all I can say is this bird is amazing! A few seconds after AOS the efficiency reach 100% and kept that value until LOS! Thank you for the privilege to use a satellite like this!"

TiungSat-1 is Malaysia's first micro-satellite and in addition to commercial land and weather imaging payloads offers FM and FSK Amateur Radio communication.

TiungSat-1, named after the mynah bird of Malaysia, was developed as a collaborative effort between the Malaysian government and Surrey Satellite Technology Ltd.

For more information on TiungSat-1, visit the following URL:

[ANS thanks Chris Jackson, G7UPN/ZL2TPO, for this information]

KITSAT KO-25 Uplink 145.980 MHz FM (9600 baud FSK) Downlink 436.500 MHz FM Broadcast Callsign HL02-11 BBS HL02-12 Launched: September 26, 1993 by an Ariane launcher from Kourou, French Guiana Status: Operational

Jim, AA7KC, reports nominal KO-25 operation with moderate traffic.

[ANS thanks Jim Weisenberger, AA7KC, for KO-25 status information]

UOSAT UO-22 Uplink 145.900 or 145.975 MHz FM 9600 baud FSK Downlink 435.120 MHz FM Broadcast Callsign UOSAT5-11 BBS UOSAT5-12 Launched: July 17, 1991 by an Ariane launcher from Kourou, French Guiana Status: Operational

Jim, AA7KC, reports nominal UO-22 operation with heavy traffic and continuing major sat-gate operation which makes this bird useful tool for the global Amateur Radio community.

More information on the satellite is available at the following URL:

[ANS thanks Chris Jackson, G7UPN/ZL2TPO, for UO-22 status information]

OSCAR-11 Downlink 145.825 MHz FM (1200 baud AFSK) Mode-S Beacon 2401.500 MHz Launched: March 1, 1984 by a Delta-Thor rocket from Vandenberg Air Force Base in California Status: Operational

OSCAR-11 celebrated its sixteenth birthday in space on March 1, 2000.

During the period through November 14, 2000 good signals have been received from the 145 MHz beacon as the satellite is currently seeing good solar conditions which should continue until the end of the year. Ground control stations have reset the magnetorquer counters, the spin period has varied between 217 and 276 seconds. The battery voltage observed during daylight passes is unchanged with an average value of 14.0, with a range of 13.9 to 14.1 volts. Internal temperatures have increased slightly and are probably near maximum value. They are now 6.6 C and 4.8 C for battery and telemetry electronics. A single WOD survey of dated 06-October-2000, has been transmitted. The mode-S beacon is transmitting an unmodulated carrier. The beacon is a useful test source for mode-S converters. The 435.025 MHz beacon is normally off but can sometimes be heard when the satellite is being commanded by ground control.

The operating schedule is as follows:

ASCII status (210 seconds) ASCII bulletin (60 seconds) BINARY SEU (30 seconds) ASCII TLM (90 seconds) ASCII WOD (120 seconds) ASCII bulletin (60 seconds) BINARY ENG (30 seconds)

The ASCII bulletin is currently a static message, detailing modes and frequencies of all active amateur radio satellites.

More information on OSCAR-11 is available at the following URL:

[ANS thanks Clive Wallis, G3CWV, for OSCAR-11 status information]

LUSAT LO-19 Uplink 145.84 145.86 145.88 145.90 MHz FM (using 1200 baud Manchester FSK) CW downlink 437.125 MHz Digital downlink 437.150 MHz SSB (RC-BPSK 1200 baud PSK) Broadcast Callsign LUSAT-11 BBS LUSAT-12 Launched: January 22, 1990 by an Ariane launcher from Kourou, French Guiana Status: Semi-operational. The CW beacon is sending eight telemetry channels and one status channel on 437.136 MHz. No BBS service is available. The digipeater is not active.

Telemetry (limited) is as follows:

Sat Nov 18 at 11:41:24 2000 LUSAT HIHI 60 AUN ABB AVA ADU AU4 A6E A44 AE6

Mineo, JE9PEL, has recorded LO-19 CW and PSK telemetry and placed the information on his Internet homepage site at:

General information and telemetry samples can be found at:

[ANS thanks Miguel Menendez, EA1BCU, for LO-19 status information]

PACSAT AO-16 Uplink 145.90 145.92 145.94 145.96 MHz FM (using 1200 baud Manchester FSK) Downlink 437.025 MHz SSB (RC-BPSK 1200 baud PSK) Mode-S Beacon 2401.1428 MHz Broadcast Callsign: PACSAT-11 BBS PACSAT-12 Launched: January 22, 1990 by an Ariane launcher from Kourou, French Guiana Status: Semi-operational

Russ, WJ9F, reported the S-band transmitter is off. The VHF uplink and the UHF PSK transmitter are operational (TX power at 1.5 watts). The digipeater command is on.

Telemetry is as follows:

1530 UTC 09 December 2000 WOD Dump of Array current Channels 26, 27, 28, 29, 2A, 2B Will Dump data for 24 hours. AO-16 Command Team

uptime is 301/08:06:57. Time is Sun Dec 10 11:41:44 2000 +X (RX) Temp 4.839 D RX Temp 1.209 D BCR Load Cur 0.405 A BCR Input Cur 0.332 A BCR Output Cur 0.321 A Bat 1 Temp 5.444 D Bat 2 Temp 5.444 D Baseplt Temp 6.049 D PSK TX RF Out 1.730 W RC PSK BP Temp -0.002 D RC PSK HPA Tmp -0.002 D +Y Array Temp 0.603 D PSK TX HPA Tmp 1.814 D +Z Array Temp 13.916 D Total Array C= 0.288 Bat Ch Cur=-0.084 Ifb= 0.044 I+10V= 0.361 TX:1009 BCR:80 PWRC:06D BT:1E WC:25 EDAC:CD

A new WOD collection of current graphics along with general information and telemetry samples can be found at:

[ANS thanks Miguel Menendez, EA1BCU, for AO-16 status information]

TMSAT-1 TO-31 Uplink 145.925 MHz (9600 baud FSK) Downlink 436.925 MHz (9600 baud FSK) Broadcast Callsign: TMSAT1-11 BBS TMSAT1-12 Launched: July 10, 1998 by a Zenit rocket from the Baikonur Cosmodrome Status: Operational

Jim, AA7KC, reports nominal TO-31 operation, with moderate traffic and continuing new images.

ProcMail V2.00G has been released by G7UPN. This software permits the processing of image files from TO-31. It has been posted to the AMSAT-NA FTP site at the following URL:

Many of the high-resolution color images transmitted by TMSAT are compressed using a UoSAT compression format. This format is supported by the VK5HI CCD display program.

[ANS thanks Chris Jackson, G7UPN/ZL2TPO, for TO-31 status information]

UoSAT-12 UO-36 Uplink 145.960 MHz (9600 baud FSK) Downlink 437.025 MHz 437.400 MHz Broadcast Callsign UOSAT12-11 BBS UOSAT12-12 Launched: April 21, 1999 by a Russian launcher from the Baikonur Cosmodrome Status: Operational

UO-36 carries a number of imaging payloads, digital store-and-forward communications and mode L/S transponders.

NASA has demonstrated on UO-36 the ability to use standard Internet protocols to communicate with an orbiting spacecraft (just like any node on the Internet). NASA has been developing this project by working with the commercial payload aboard UoSAT-12.

The BBS is open, although uploading and downloading may be disabled at times.

The VK5HI viewer shareware for UO-36 is available on the AMSAT-NA web site at the following URL:

Further information on UO-36 is available from:

[ANS thanks Chris G7UPN/ZL2TPO, and the University of Surrey for this information]

ITAMSAT IO-26 Uplink 145.875 145.900 145.925 145.950 MHz FM (1200 baud) Downlink 435.822 MHz SSB Broadcast Callsign ITMSAT1-11 BBS ITMSAT1-12 Launched: September 26, 1993 by an Ariane launcher from Kourou, French Guiana Status: Semi-operational, the digipeater function is on and open for APRS users


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