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Ohio/Penn DX Bulletin No. 487 T

26.11.2000 10:41:49

Ohio/Penn DX Bulletin No. 487

The Ohio/Penn DX PacketCluster

DX Bulletin No. 487

BID: $OPDX.487

November 24, 2000

Editor Tedd Mirgliotta, KB8NW

Provided by BARF-80 BBS Cleveland, Ohio

Online at 440-237-8208 28.8k-1200 Baud 8/N/1

Thanks to the Northern Ohio Amateur Radio Society, Northern Ohio DX

Association, Ohio/Penn PacketCluster Network, AI2Q, KF2TI, WB2YQH/WB2RAJ

& The 59(9) DX Report, W3UR & The Daily DX, KN4UG, N6RT, WC7N, K8YSE,

NE8Z/HC1MD, W9RB, CO8TW, DJ5AV & DX News Letter, JF6OJX, LA4KQ, LA9GY,

LU7EE, SM3TLG, UZ8RR and VK2GJH for the following DX information. Also

a special thanks to Bill, NG3K, for the "CQWW Announced Operations" chart.




5A, LIBYA. 5A1A was heard a few times this past week on 12 meters. Check

around on 24915 or 24950 kHz. The station was also heard on 10 meters

CW and 15 meters SSB (DX net 21355). All operations took place between

1500 and 1800z.

5C, MOROCCO. The Bavarian Contest Club has been on the air as 5C8M

preparing to enter the CQWW CW Contest as CN8WW. Activity will last

until November 27th. QSL via bureau to DL6FBL or direct to DL6FBL:

Bernd Och, Chr.-Wirth-Str. 18, D-36043 Fulda, Germany.

8P9, BARBADOS. Look for John, K4BAI, to sign 8P9Z in the CQWW CW Contest

and 8P9HT after the contest. He will be there until November 29th.

A3, TONGA. "The 59(9) DX Report" states that Paul, A35RK, will be active

in the CQWW CW Contest as a Single Op/All Bands/Low Power entry. QSL via


A6, U.A.E. Station A61AJ was quite active during the past week on the

lower frequencies probably warming up for their Multi/Multi effort in

the contest this weekend. QSL via W3UR.

AP, PAKISTAN. Bob, AP2JZB, was heard active on 12 and 10 meters. Some

reports state he was begging for a QSO. Check 24955 and around 28527 kHz

between 1330 and 1430z.

C2, NAURU. Jack Haden, VK2GJH, has announced that the final details

concerning his December 10-22nd C21JH operation has been put in place.

Emphasis will be placed on 50 MHz with limited activity on 80-10 meters and

29 MHz FM as time permits. If you want to learn more about this operation

and Nauru in general, go to the following Web page, click on the "C21JH"

box in the left hand column, at:

QSLing is via VK2GJH direct only.

CO8, CUBA. Juan, CO8TW, reports that he will be in the CQWW DX CW Contest

as a Single Operator/Low Power/Single Band (15 or 10 meters) entry. QSL

via: Juan Carlos Veranes, CO8TW, Po Box 8, Santiago de Cuba, CP 90100,

CUBA. He will have his contest log available online at:

EA8, CANARY ISLAND. Look for Heijo, DJ1OJ, to be active as EA8/DJ1OJ.

Heijo arrived there last week and will be active until he leaves Tenerife

in March 2001. He said to QSL via his home callsign via the bureau.

EP, IRAN. Club station EP4PTT was heard active this past week on 28331

and 28341 kHz around 1400 to 1430z. According to "QRZ DX", the station

is in Shiraz and operated by Hamid/EP3HR and Yar/EP3SP. QSL via:

c/o Directorate of Telecommunications, Box 11365-931, Tehran, Iran.

Also, Ali, EP2MKO, continues to be very active on 30/12/10 meters between

1300 and 1500z, but has been heard on 30 meters as late as 2330z. QSL

via UA6HCW.


operated by SP9FIH and SQ9LR have returned home. During their 11 day

operation from Tubuai (Australs OC-152) they made over 15000 QSOs. Their

4 days operation from Nuku Hiva (Marquesas OC-027) added 5300 QSOs to

make their total 20300 QSOs for the whole DXpedition. Operations were on

80-6m only barefoot, using a 3 element tribander Cushcraft A3S, Butternut

HF9V vertical and 5 element beam for 6m. QSL cards will be sent at the

end of December. QSL route is via SP9FIH: Box 480, 44-100 Gliwice,

Poland (other address with street name given by some DX services is OK,

but not preferable).

HC, ECUADOR. Dr. Rick, NE8Z, will be operating from Tumbaco, Ecuador as

HC1MD from November 25th through December 11th. Activity will be on 80-10

meters CW/SSB using a Kenwood TS680s/Collins 3OL-1 amp (600 watts)/Carolina

Windom antenna. He will also be on 6 meters CW/SSB (150 watts + 3 element

yagi). Rick will travel to different areas in HC-land and will sign

HC1MD/HC(?). He will be portable, operating from remote locations, including

"INSIDE" the cones of different volcanos at very high altitudes. These

operations will be mainly on 20 meters CW with 100w + 20m Inverted Vee.

He states, "Working SSB pileups are very difficult to do at high altitudes

and the lack of oxygen." He will also be looking for the following new DXCC

entities for his HC1MD DXCC: East Timor (4W6MM, 4W6GH, 4W6UN), Austral

Islands & Laos (any assistance/ideas will be appreciated -- Send E-mail

at " " while he is in HC-land.) QSL via K8LJG: John Kroll,

3528 Craig Drive, Flint, MI 48506 USA. Also, please view the HC-DX AWARDS


HS, THAILAND. Fred, K3ZO, was heard this past week operating from HS0ZAR

on 40 and 20 meters SSB. Look for him to join the crew at HS0AC during the

CQWW CW Contest as a Multi/Multi entry this weekend. Ray, HS0/G3NOM,

states to look for HS station during the contest between 1834-1836 kHz

and 3534-3536 kHz.

IOTA NEWS............

OC-201. Hans, SM3TLG, will be active as ZL/SM3TLG from Waiheke Island,

December 3-9th. Activity will be on CW/SSB. QSL to homecall

direct or via the bureau.

JD1, MINAMI TORISHIMA. Katsumi, JD1BCK, has been active on 15 meters SSB.

Check 21325 kHz after 2300z. He is expected to be here until August 2001.

QSL direct only via JM1TUK.

JW, SVALBARD. Borge Holte, LA4KQ, informs OPDX that he will be active

as JW5E, Zone 40, during the CQWW contest. Activity will be on all bands.

JW, SVALBARD. Morten, LA9GY, informs OPDX that he will be active as JW9GY

(Longyearbyen) from December 1-4th. He hopes to take part in the ARRL

160-meter Contest with the call JW8G. For more information check the Web

page at:

LU, ARGENTINA. Arnoldo Jorge Corda (Tito), LU7EE, will be active in the

CQ Contest as LU7EE/QRP as a Single Band entry on 15 meters. QSL via

his QSL Manager EA5RD.

NEW OFFICERS. At the November 2000 meeting of the North Jersey DX

Association, the following members were elected to the 2000-2001 Executive

Committee: Ron Levy/K2CO President, Stefan Kurylko/N2TN Vice-President,

Steven Adell/KF2TI Secretary and Gene Ingrahan/N2BIM Treasurer. Visit

the North Jersey DX Association's Web page at:

NOT THE QSL MANAGER. Your editor (KB8NW) still continues to receive

inquires about being QSL Manager for 5R8O because some databases list me

as manager. I repeat, I AM NOT THE QSL MANAGER. Please pass the word

and correct your QSL databases. The correct QSL Manager for 5R8O is 5R8FL.

P4, ARUBA. Rob, W9RB, told OPDX that he will be doing a little DXpeditioning

soon as P40RB operating from the QTH of AI6V/P49V in Aruba, November 26th

through December 3rd. Activity will be including the ARRL 160M Contest.

His operations will be mainly CW, and probably mainly evenings except

during the contest. QSL to W9RB CBA.

QSL INFO AND NEWS..............

Doug, N6RT, reports that the logs for the recent ZM8CW operation by

Jacky, ZL3CW/F2CW, are now available at:

Several have asked what the address for 7M4PTE, QSL Manager for

S21YH is. If you have it, send it to the OPDX so we can publish it.

S07U/S07CRS AND 5T5U PIXS. Tad, JF6OJX, reports that he has uploaded

pictures of S07U/S07CRS and 5T5U operations to his homepage. If you are

interested in their operations, check the Web page at:

Be looking for a log search page coming soon.

SPECIAL EVENT. In connection with the closing of the Chernobyl Atomic Power

Plant, a group of Ukraine operators UX1RY, UX2RV, UY2RA, UY2RO, UR0RR,

US5RR, UT0RW and UZ8RR will be active from December 14-16th, using the

special callsign EN23RW. QSL via direct to UX2RY: Andre Arsiyanz, P.O.

Box 14, Slavutich-3, 07100 Kiev oblast UKRAINE.

VP5, TURKS AND CAICOS ISLANDS. Donald, KN4UG, will operate as VP5AZ from

January 19-30th (2001), from Providenciales Island. He plans to be in the

160 Meter CW Contest and the NA QSO party. All QSLs go to KN4UG:

Donald Namm, 103 Birkhaven Drive, Cary, NC 27511.

XT, BURKINA FASO. Harold, XT2AW, was very active on CW on the WARC bands

(as well as 10 meters) this past week. He was heard on 7007, 10106, 14035,

18070, 24902 and 28028 kHz. Most of his activity was between 0030 and

0630z. QSL via DF2WO.

YI, IRAQ. A couple of stations were active this past week on 12 and 10

meters. YI9KU was heard on CW on 28026 kHz at 1530z. QSL via DL9KU. Peter,

YI9OM, was active on 24894 kHz between 1330 and 1430z. QSL via OM6TX.

YJ, VANUATU (Update, refer to OPDX.483). "The Prairie DX Group" is now

active as YJ0PD on all bands CW/SSB (especially the WARC bands). Look for

them to be active in the CQWW CW Contest. They are expected to use the

callsigns YJ0V. A press release by Rod, WC7N, reports their following

planned schedule for YJ0PD:

0000z 20 meters RTTY

0300-0600z 50.110 MHz

0645-0715z 3789 kHz

0700z 40 Meters - either SSB or CW depending on activity

1000z 1830-1833 kHz

1330-1500z 3519 kHz

Their schedule depends on how long they stay on each one of the above

bands. QSL route for YJ0PD and YJ0V is via N9PD. DO NOT send QSLs via

the YJ bureau! For more information, check the Web page at:

ZA, ALBANIA. ZA1M was active on 17 and 12 meters this past week. Check

around 18072, 24897 and 24908 kHz between 1230 and 1730z. QSL via IK2HTW.

Also heard was Ben, ZA1K, on 28040 kHz at 1600z. QSL to: Box 7464, Tirana,


ZD8, ASCENSION ISLAND. Jim, N6TJ, is once again active as ZD8Z now through

December 9th. Look for him to be a 10 meter Single Band entry in the CQWW

DX CW Contest. QSL via VE3HO.

ZK2, NIUE (Update, refer to OPDX.479). Bill, W7TVF, is now active here

as ZK2VF until December 10th. He has been very active on 40 and 30 meters

between 0400 and 0630z, but is expected to be on 160-6 meters. He will

listen especially for Europe, Africa or South America. QSL via W7TVF:

Bill Dawson, P.O. Box 4049, Pahrump, NV 89061, USA.


The following list of announced operations for the CQWW CW 2000 Contest

as of 1411z, November 24th, 2000, was derived from the NG3K "CQWW CW

Announced Operations" Web page. For updates and fuller details (including

many QSL addresses, operational specifics, E-mail & Web page links)

refer to:


3DA0NL Swaziland 38 SOAB ZS6ANL

3V8BB Tunisia 33 SOAB YT1AD

3W2LWS Viet Nam 27 WA1LWS

4F7RWW Philippines 27 DL4OCM/Direct

4M5X Venezuela 09 SOSB/20 W4SO

4N8/LZ1BJ Yugoslavia 15 LZ Buro

4X3A Israel 20 SOSB/160 WA4WTG

5X1Z Uganda 37 SOSB/10? SM6CAS

6Y7A Jamaica 08 TBA KN5H

7J6CEC Japan 25 SOAB AC6ZM/Buro

7S2E Sweden 14 SOSB/10 SM2DMU

8P9Z Barbados 08 K4BAI

8Q7WW Maldives 22 M/S DL5XAT

9A2L Croatia 15 M/S 9A3AG

9A3GW Croatia 15 SOSB/20 9A3GW

9G5AA Ghana 35 GM4FDM

9H3? Malta 15 SOAB DF4SA

9M6AAC East Malaysia 28 SOAB N2OO

9M6NA East Malaysia 28 SOAB JE1JKL

9M6SMT East Malaysia 28 M/S JF1SQC

A35RK Tonga 32 SOAB W7TSQ

A61AJ UA Emirates 21 M/M W3UR

AH2R Guam 27 M/S JH7QXJ

B4R China 24 Jiangsu DX Club

B7K China 24 M/S W2AY

BA4DW China 24 BA4DW

BA4EG China 24 BA4EG

BA4TB China 24 BA4TB/Direct

BY1DX China 24 OH2BH

C56VB Gambia 35 OH2VB

C6A/WA3WSJ Bahamas 08 QRP WA3WSJ

C6AKP Bahamas 08 SOAB N4RP

C6AKW Bahamas 08 SOAB K3TEJ

CN8WW Morocco 33 M/M DL6FBL

CO8LY Cuba 08 SOAB EA7ADH/Direct

CO8TW Cuba 08 SOAB CO8TW/Direct

CQ9K Madeira 33 SOAB

CT3BX Madeira 33 SOAB HB9CRV

CX5X Uruguay 13 SOSB/10 W3HNK/Direct

CX9AU Uruguay 13 TBD KA5TUF

D4A Cape Verde 35 SOAB I2MQP

DF0HQ Germany 08 M/M Buro

DL2DXA/HI9 Dominican Rep 08

DX1S Philippines 27 SOAB KU9C

EA6IB Balearic Is 14 M/S

EA8BH Canary Is 33 SOAB OH2BH

EK8WY Armenia 21 SOAB IZ8CLM

ER6A Moldova 16 ER1LW

ES9C Estonia 15 M/M ES5RY

F5IN France 14 M/S Auto

FG/N0JK Guadeloupe 08 N0JK

FK8HC New Caledonia 32 SOSB/15 VK4FW

FM5BH Martinique 08 SOSB/10 W3HNK/Direct

FY5KE French Guiana 09 SOAB TBA

G1Y England 14 SOSB/15 G0FOS

GD4UOL Isle of Man 14 G4UOL

GJ2A Jersey 14 M/S MJ0BJU

GM7V Scotland 14 SOAB ZS5BBO

HC8N Galapagos 10 M/M AA5BT

HI3K Dominican Rep 08 SOSB? AD4Z

HR1ERL Honduras 07 SOAB HR1ERL/Direct

HS0/G4UZN Thailand 26 G4UZN

HS0AC Thailand 26 M/M G3NOM

HZ1AB Saudi Arabia 21 SOAB K8PYD

IH9P Italy 33 SOSB/40 OK1MG

IQ3X Italy 15 SOSB/10 IV3HAX

IR4D Italy 15 SOSB/15 IK4MED

IU4T Italy 15 SOSB/15 IK4MTF

J3G Grenada 08 M/S G3TXF

J3A? Grenada 08 M/M WA1S

J75KG Dominica 08 M/S N2AU

J79GU Dominica 08 DL7VOG

JA3YBK Japan 25 M/M Buro

JE4VVM Japan 25 M/S Buro


JW5E Svalbard 40 M/S LA5NM

KH6/W6QU Hawaii 31 SOSB/15 W8QZA

KP2/OK5DX Virgin Islands 08 OKDXF

L99D Argentina 13 SOAB LU7DW

LA6YEA Norway 14 SOSB/40 LA6YEA

LP1F Argentina 13 LU5FC

LU5FZ Argentina 13 SOSB/15 Buro

LU7EE Argentina 13 SOSB/15 EA5RD

LX/DL4SDX Luxembourg 14 M/S DL8SCG

LY5G Lithuania 15 SOAB LY2FE

LY5W Lithuania 15 SOAB LY1DR

LY9A Lithuania 15 SOAB LY3BA

LZ1UQ Bulgaria 20 SOSB/10 LZ1UQ/Buro

LZ2FV Bulgaria 20 SOSB/160 LX2FV

LZ7G Bulgaria 20 SOSB/20 LZ1NK/Direct

MJ0ASP Jersey 14 SOSB/20 F5SHQ

MU2K Guersey 14 M/S OH3LQK

NH0S Mariana Is 27 M/S JF2SKV

OD5/OK1MU Lebanon 20 SOSB/15 OKDXF

OH0N Aland Is 15 SOSB/15 OH1BOI

OH0R Aland Is 15 SOAB OH2TA

OH0V Aland Is 15 SOSB/10 OH6LI

OH0Z Aland Is 15 M/M OH2EH

OH1F Finland 15 SOAB Buro

OH1MM Finland 15 SOSB/15 OH1MM

OH2BH Finland 15 SOSB/20 Buro

OH2U Finland 15 M/M OH2IW


OL7W Czech Republic 15 M/M OK1DUT

OM8A Slovakia 15 M/S OM3RM

OT0T Belgium 14 SOAB ON4UN

OZ5W Denmark 14 M/M OZ1KRF

OZ5WQ Denmark 14 M/M Buro

P29VPY Papua/NG 28 SOAB KQ1F

P40E Aruba 09 SOAB W3HNK/Direct

PB6X Netherlands 14 M/S PA3HBB

PI4COM Netherlands 14 SOSB/15 PA3CAL

PJ2T Neth Antilles 09 M/S KN7Y

PP4F Brazil 11 SOAB PY4FQ

PQ2Q Brazil 11 SOAB PY2WC

PY3AN Brazil 11 SOSB/10 PY3AN/CBA


PZ5JR Surinam 09 K3BYV

RA0FF Russia (Asia) 19 SOAB N6FF or CBA

RA0FU Russia (Asia) 19 SOAB N6FF or CBA

RD4M Russia (Eur) 16 Buro or Direct

RI4M Russia (Eur) 16 RN4LP

RU1A Russia (Eur) 16 M/S RU1AE/Buro

RW2F Kaliningrad 15 M/M DK4VW

RW9QA Russia (Asia) 17 SOAB W3HNK/Direct or Direct

SN4T Poland 15 SOSB/15 SP4TKR

SV/OK1YM Greece 20 SOSB/40 OKDXF

SV1NA Greece 20 SOSB/160 SV1NA

TA3D Turkey 20 SOSB/40 TA3D

TI5N Costa Rica 07 SOAB TI5KD

TS7N Tunisia 33 M/S DL6BCF

UA0FDX Russia (Asia) 19 SOSB/15 UA0FDX

UA0YAY Russia (Asia) 23 SOAB IK2QPR

UA9OA Russia (Asia) 18 SOSB/10 UA9OA

UR6L Ukraine 16 UR5LCV

UV5Q Ukraine 16 SOAB UX7QQ

V26K Antigua 08 SOAB AA3B

V47KP St Kitts Nevis 08 K2SB

V8A Brunei 28 SOAB JH7FQK

VE2IM Canada 02 SOAB VA3UZ

VP5DX Turks Caicos 08 NU4Y

VP5GN Turks Caicos 08 SOAB K5GN

VP5MM Turks Caicos 08 YU1FW

VP9/NC8V Bermuda 05 NC8V

W7DRA/KH6 Hawaii 31 SOSB/40 W7DRA

XE1RGL Mexico 06 XE1RGL

XV9SW Viet Nam 26 SM3CXS

YJ0V Vanuatu 32 M/M N9PD


YL2GD Latvia 15 SOAB YL2GD


YL3DW Latvia 15 SOSB/15 Buro

YL6Z Latvia 15 SOSB/10 YL3CW

YL7A Latvia 15 SOAB YL2GM

YL7C Latvia 15 SOAB YL2MD


YT7R Yugoslavia 15 SOAB YU7CB

YV1DIG Venezuela 09 SOSB/160 YV1AVO

ZC4BS UK Sov Bases 20 SOSB/10 G4KIV

ZC4DW UK Sov Bases 20 SOSB/20 G0DEZ/Buro

ZC4ZM UK Sov Bases 20 SOAB ZC4ZM

ZF2AM Cayman Is 08 SOSB/15 K6AM

ZF2LA Cayman Is 08 SOSB/40 K9LA

ZF2RR Cayman Is 08 SOSB/10 N9XX

ZF2SA Cayman Is 08 K3SA

ZK1VVV South Cook Is 32 SOAB W7VV


SPECIAL NOTE BY EDITOR: If you are having a problem receiving bounced

mail by sending mail to me via " ", please send

mail to me via " "...... TNX de Tedd KB8NW



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Excerpts and distribution of The OPDX Bulletin are granted as long as

KB8NW/OPDX/BARF80 receive credit. To contribute DX info, call BARF-80 BBS

online at 440-237-8208 28.8k/14400/9600/2400/1200 and leave a message with

the Sysop or send via InterNet Mail to: - OR -

Use the VOICE or FAX answering machine at 440-237-8208 which shares the

same phone line as BARF-80 BBS using a data/fax/phone switch. To access:

1) Dial Number. 2) Wait for first ring (the second ring should be a false

ring from the fax/data switch box) and then dial four quick ones ("1111").

(NOTE: Some FAX machines that send single "BEEPS" every second will not

have to do this step.) 3) The phone will pick up and after the "BEEP"

leave your voice message or FAX.



Additional Bulletins for OPDX InterNet Subscribers.


From: "Neville Cheadle" <>

To: "OPDX Bulletin" <>

Date: Thu, 23 Nov 2000 12:19:49 -0000

MIME-Version: 1.0

Regularly activated islands counting for premium points in December 2000 are

listed below.

The CDXC web pages ( contain the full IOTA 2000 rules,

island listings and an FAQ page. These web pages also contain up-to-date

conversion tables between the new IOTAs arising as a result of the

publication of the IOTA Directory 2000 and the old IOTAs that qualify for

the IOTA 2000 Programme. The listing of premium months has also been

updated. The only new IOTA activation not shown is the current activity by

P29VCR and P29VPY from Loloata Island. This has been issued the new IOTA

reference OC-240 but counts as OC-153 for the IOTA 2000 Programme. The

SM6DEC record system can be downloaded and is ideal for making applications.











Remember there are no charges for the IOTA 2000 awards and QSL cards are not

required. Please do not send your applications until January 2001 and note

that the certificates will not be serially-numbered. At least 20 stations

have already achieved the 900 point level thus qualifying for the Gold


Enjoy IOTA 2000.

Neville Cheadle, G3NUG

Chairman - CDXC (Chiltern DX Club), The UK DX Foundation

(CDXC are managing the IOTA 2000 Programme on behalf of the RSGB IOTA



Date: Mon, 20 Nov 2000 02:05:57 +0200


From: Jari Jussila <>

Mime-Version: 1.0

Mega DX Peditions Honor Roll

- Upgraded and Updated Millennium Version of the Honor Roll

Mega DX Peditions Honor Roll was published for the first time a couple of

years ago. At that time the list contained some 40 DX peditions which had

made over 30.000 QSO's. At that time the list merely contained just the

call sign of the DX Pedition and the total amount of QSO's.

As the "author" of the Mega DX Peditions Honor Roll I received some 150

comments, corrections etc. to the Honor Roll. Many of the comments were

made by the operators or organizers of the DX Peditions and very valuable

information was received and data corrected. Thanks!

There was also quite a few comments asking for more information to be

added to the Mega DX Peditions Honor Roll. The new updated and upgraded

Mega DX Peditions Honor Roll now contains much more information that just

the call sign and total amount of QSO's. I hope the list now satisfies, to

some extent, those, who wants to know more about the DX Peditions than just

the amount of QSO's.

Following data can now be found from the Mega DX Peditions Honor Roll file:

(Excel 4.0 Spreassheet, 25 K)

- Position

- Original position (the position the DX Pedition had when it was

entered to the list)

- Call sign or call signs of the DX Pedition

- DXCC entity

- Lengthf of the DX Pedition

- Dates of the DX Pedition

- Year of the DX Pedition

- QSO total of the DX Pedition including duplicates

- Uniques. The amount of different stations worked

- Number of stations at the DX Pedition

- Special comments regarding the DX Pedition

- QSL manager of the DX Pedition

- Internet web page of the DX Pedition

- Amount of operators at the DX Pedition

- The operators at the DX Pedition

- Amount of QSO's and percentage per continents (NA, Europe, Asia,


- Amount of QSO's and percentage per mode (CW/SSB/RTTY)

- Amount of QSO's per band (160-10, 6 m)

Most of the information is collected from DX Bulletins and DX Pedition

articles. Some information have been asked from the organizers of DX

Peditions. The list is not complete - far away from that. Full data has

been received only from the top ten DX Peditions.

Special thanks to Toshi, JA1ELY, who have published this Honor Roll in the

Japanese "Five-Nine Magazine" and who have helped a lot in collecting the

data. Thanks!


Mega DX Peditions Honor Roll Novermber 19th, 2000 (Only the basic DX

Pedition data)

Copyright Jari Jussila, OH2BU

Pos Orig, Call Entity Days Date Year QSO


pos total



1 1 ZL9CI Campbell Is. 19 Jan 6 - 25 1999 96 004

30 271 5-6

2 2 A52A Bhutan 10 May 3 - 13 2000 82 087

25 039 6+1

3 3 K5K Kingman Reef 9 Oct 22 - 31 2000 80 841


4 1 VK0IR Heard Is. 14 Jan 14 - 27 1997 80 673

27 502 6

5 3 XZ0A Myanmar 23 Jan 13 - Feb 8 2000 79 784

6 4 FO0AAA Clipperton I. 7 Mar 1 - 8 2000 75 107

7 1 4J1FS M-V Island 13 May 26 - Jun 7 1992 74 495

36 109 6

8 5 TX0DX Chesterfield Is 7 Mar 23 - 29 2000 72 654

22 893 4-5

9 1 ZA1A Albania 22 Sep 16 - Oct 7 1991 71 000

10 4 H40AA Santa Cruz Is. 13 Apr 1 - 13 1998 67 129

23 140 3-4

11 4 9M0C Spratly Is. 13 Feb 12 - 23 1998 65 524


12 5 R1MVA M-V Island 10 July 6 - 15 1999 65 221

13 3 3Y0PI Peter 1 Is 22 Jan 29 -Feb 19 1994 62 500


14 1 AH3C/KH5J Jarvis 7 Apr 15 - 21 1990 55 000

15 14 VP6BR Pitcairn 86 Jan 25 - Apr 21 2000

53 849 1

16 8 3B7RF St. Brandon 12 May 6 - 17 1998 53 518

17 4 AH1A Howland 15 Jan 26 - Feb 3 1993 52 410

18 2 XY0RR Myanmar 15 Aug 27 - Sep 11 1991 50 000

19 2 3Y5X Bouvet 16 Dec 29 - Jan 13 1990 49 000

20 5 FO0CI Clipperton 10 Mar 6 - 15 1992 48 000


21 1 XF4L Revilla Gigedo 7 Apr 12 - 18 1989 47 943

22 14 3B9R Rodrigues I. 12 Mar 31 - Apr 10 1999 46 100


23 17 T31T Canton 10 Sep 25 - Oct 4 1999 45 700

24 4 3D2AM Conway Reef 8 May 16 - 23 1990 45 000

25 1 KP2A/D Desecheo 7 Jun 9 - 15? 1981 45 000

26 11 VK9MM Mellish Reef 9 Sep 19 - 27 1993 44 500

27 4 1S1XV/RR Spratly Is. 12 Apr 19 - 30 1990 43 265

28 13 XR0Y/Z Easter Is. 10 Sep 9 - 16 1995 42 234

29 3 4J1FS M-V Island 11 May 20 - 30 1989 42 000

30 1 8Z4A Neutral Zone 11 Nov 10 - 20 1979 40 800

31 22 E44/HA1AG Palestine Feb - Mar 3 1999 40 430

32 8 HK0TU Malpelo 6 Nov 3 - 8 1990 40 000

33 14 VP8SSI SSandwich I. 12 Mar 22- Apr 3 1992 39 400

34 16 9M0S Spratly Is. 7 May 27 - Jun 2 1993 37 000

35 12 P5RS7 Near N.Korea 19 Dec 19 - Jan 6 1991 36 000

36 3 HC8MD Galapagos Nov-Dec 1981 35 000

37 35 701YGF Yemen 10 Apr 17 - 26 2000 35 000

38 21 ZL8RI Kermadec 9 May 5 - 13 1996 33 897

39 4 KP2A/KP1 Navassa 7 Mar 16 -22 1982 33 552

40 11 ZS9Z/ZS1 Penguin 6 Nov 24 - Dec 2 1990 33 200

41 17 AA4NC/KP1 Navassa 7 Jan 18 - 24 1992 33 000

42 12 T33R/T33T Banaba 12 Nov 7 -18 1990 33 000

43 36 T30CW Kiribati 21 Oct 20 - Nov 10 1999

32 630

44 18 YA5MM Afganistan 13 Mar 9 - 21 1992 32 000

45 5 VK9ZM Mellish Reef 10 Jan 8 - 17 1989 31 467

46 31 ZL7DK Chatham 13 Feb 23 - Mar 8 1998 31 335


47 15 YA0RR Afganistan 17 Jan 5 - 21 1991 31 128

48 5 F00XX Clipperton I. 1985 31 000

49 30 3D2CT/CU Conway Reef 8 Mar 26 - Apr 2 1994 30 000

50 5 VK0HI/CW Heard 12 Jan 22 - Feb 18 1983 30 000

51 34 OH5AB/MVI M-V Island 25 Jun 5 - 16 1997 30 000


Year 2000 has been very productive. Five DX Peditions have hit the Top Ten

this year, but nobody has really challenger ZL9CI's first place. A52A, K5K,

XZ0A, FO0AAA and TX0DX have all made it to the Top Ten.

The 1992 Malyj Vysotskij 4J1FS DX Pedition still holds the first place in

the amount of "uniques". That DX Pedition logged an amazing 36.109

different stations to it's log.

Those truly interested to receive the rest and the additional information

of these DX Peditions can ask for a Excel 4.0 spreadsheet (size roughly 25K)

from the author by e-mail:

More data requested!

I'm sure that many of you reading this e-mail has been a member of a DX

Pedition listed in this Honor Roll. For you - as well as to all readers - I

have a special request: Please, if you find any data that is not correct or

if you have any data missing from the list, please give me a note - - and I will correct that data to the next updated version.

The list is not complete. No data have been found or received from eg.

YV0AA, HK0TU, E44DX DX Peditions. Any data of those DX Peditions will be

highly appreciated.

When enough corrections or additional data had been received, an updated

version will be published. In the near future all the data will be found

from the web pages of OHDXF, OH DX Foundation (to be announced later)

Jari, OH2BU


Tedd Mirgliotta KB8NW


Basic Amateur Radio Frequency BBS (BARF-80) +1 (440) 237-8208

"Totally devoted to Amateur Radio" - 24 Hrs a day 8/N/1 28.8k-1200 baud

* Origin: ---=== RA9LO Station at MO27SC ===--- (2:5077/39)





FidoNet: 2:5064/11.30

26 ноября 2000 г.


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