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Позывной RW3AFY устарел
Радиолюбитель получил новый позывной RW5C
Moscow Россия
Please send me your QSL-card via direct or buro. Also I upload my logs in LoTW. Please DON'T send me e-QSL (www.eqsl.cc) cards since they can't be used for award purposes. I will not reply to any e-qsl's.
QSL requests are accepted via PayPal, Direct or via Buro:
• For PayPal request send minimum 2USD or 1EUR, dates of QSO(s) and post adress on e-mail adress identical to the one on this page.
• For Direct cards, please enclose a S.A.E. (Self Addressed Envelope) plus sufficient return postage:
Europe or Outside of Europe - 1 Euro, 1 IRC or 2 USD
Direct without a S.A.E. or without sufficient return postage - confirmations via the bureau
• For Bureau cards, please send QSL(s) via SRR QSL buro Russia
The equipment:
Transceiver ICOM IC-756PROIII
Amplifier OM-power OM2500A
All devices in a shack remote via internet
Antennas (height above the ground 50-65m.):
AD-3446 by antenna-depot (UA2FZ) - 3 el 40m, 4 el 20m, 4 el 15m, 6 el 10m
AD-W234 & 6M6 by antenna-depot (UA2FZ) - 2 el 30m, 3 el 17m, 4 el 12m & 6 el 6m band
21 m. vertical 160/80m (40 radials) by antenna-depot (UA2FZ)
Remote RX station for Low bands in the village: 3G Internet channel, REMO Connect Street antenna, router Zyxel Keenetic II, nettop Lenovo Q190, AFEDRI SDR Network Rev. 3.0a by 4Z5LV, GSM switch to restart the equipment. Also set the DVR and 4 video cameras to monitor the state of the equipment and the territory.
Antennas on remote RX station: 4 revers Beverages 250m to JA/EU (50/230 degrees), OC/SA (90/270 degrees), AS/NA (135/315 degrees), AF/North (190/10 degrees); K-98 (K9AY loop) switches in 8 directions; Inverted Vee on 80/160. Switching & control units by RA6LBS.
All photos: http://foto.mail.ru/mail/rw3afy/1252
WEB: http://www.rw5c.ru