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QRZ.RU > Поиск в радиолюбительских позывных > Результаты поиска по запросу "F1EPQ"

Всего в базе данных QRZ.RU 1,581,183 позывных

Jean-Luc Scole
Sassenage Франция
Просмотров: 3,776Sassenage Франция
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Licensed since 1977 - French REF-UNION member
QSL OK via buro or direct (eqsl are no longer supported)
QTH : Southeastern France - upper part of Sassenage (400m above sea level) the west suburb of Grenoble city of Olympic Winter Games 1968 in the french Alps.
Transceiver : Yaesu FT-897D - Microphone : Yaesu MD-100
Antennas : Tri-band vertical ZX GP3 for 10-15-20m
Dual band vertical ZX GP-2W for 12-17m
G5RV Junior in inverted V for 40m with mods for 80m
HF Autotuner : LDG Z-11 Pro
Logbook software : VQLOG 3.x by EA6VQ
As a tribute to my polish origins my heart belongs to eastern countries. You will found my callsign mostly during the european and russian ssb contests.
Thanks for coming to my callsign, I hope to hear you soon, best 73 !
Many thanks to the QRZ.ru Team !
QSL OK via buro or direct (eqsl are no longer supported)
QTH : Southeastern France - upper part of Sassenage (400m above sea level) the west suburb of Grenoble city of Olympic Winter Games 1968 in the french Alps.
Transceiver : Yaesu FT-897D - Microphone : Yaesu MD-100
Antennas : Tri-band vertical ZX GP3 for 10-15-20m
Dual band vertical ZX GP-2W for 12-17m
G5RV Junior in inverted V for 40m with mods for 80m
HF Autotuner : LDG Z-11 Pro
Logbook software : VQLOG 3.x by EA6VQ
As a tribute to my polish origins my heart belongs to eastern countries. You will found my callsign mostly during the european and russian ssb contests.
Thanks for coming to my callsign, I hope to hear you soon, best 73 !
Many thanks to the QRZ.ru Team !