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Artemisa Куба
Mientras tanto, no hay necesidad de saberlo ".I have been an amateur since 2011, when I obtained my first license as a CL (third category), recently I have acquired my second license, this time as CM (second category) which opens the doors to a wider segment of the spectrum that until now I could enjoy.
Lover of the DXs, exchange of QSLs and national and international competitions.
The exchange of QSL will be done via LotW or direct through the QSL MGR RW6HS (Vasiliy) at the following address:
Vasiliy M. Kasyanenko
P.O. Box "8"
g. Novopavlovsk, Stavropolsky kr. 357300
At this moment I am active in 10-12-15-17-20- 30-40-60 and 80 meters in SSB, PSK31 / 65, RTTY, FT8 and CW modes.
My radio station is composed of the following equipment:
Yaesu FT747-GX (100 w)
Linear FL2500 (500 W)
Dipole antenna for 40, 60 and 15 meters
Dipole antenna for 80 meters
Dipole Rigid Antenna for 10 meters
Yagi Antenna of 2 Elements Maria Maluca for bands of 20 to 6 meters
Kenwood TK-760-G (35watts)
VHF Antenna YAGUI 4 EL
In this band I can be found at 145.650, internal frequency of my locality.
I hope to find many good friends and exchange our QSLs
73 !!! And good DXs