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QRZ.RU > Поиск в радиолюбительских позывных > Результаты поиска по запросу "BG7MVZ"

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Qing lin Ding
Shenzhen Guangdong Китай
Просмотров: 2,777Shenzhen Guangdong Китай
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Hi! My friend, very happy you read this writing, also very happy QSO with you. My name is DING, wasing born in the north-China in 1968 year, being work in the south-east city SHENGZHENG now, this city nearby Hong Kong. My job is an Photographer,At biggest newspaper of the region work. I like to drive my 4X4 jeep to travel, explore, also like the swimming and wayfaring. I am a HAM now, I think I would like this over 50 years!
TRX:ICOM IC-746 ANT:3BAND 6ELEMEN YAGI HEIGHT:The 25 floor crest, the distance ground about 100 meter. BAND:7.053 14253 21.200
***NOTICE*** I do not hope to receive the E-card, also will not reply, sorry! Direct send the QSL card please! ( via BUREAUS will very slow Or can't receive). I will send my QSL card to you 100%.
My QSL card all photograph Is what I create,so it's very beautiful. Hope to meet you again. GOOD LUCK FOR YOU AND YOUR FAMILY DAY TO DAY! VY73! BG7MVZ
TRX:ICOM IC-746 ANT:3BAND 6ELEMEN YAGI HEIGHT:The 25 floor crest, the distance ground about 100 meter. BAND:7.053 14253 21.200
***NOTICE*** I do not hope to receive the E-card, also will not reply, sorry! Direct send the QSL card please! ( via BUREAUS will very slow Or can't receive). I will send my QSL card to you 100%.
My QSL card all photograph Is what I create,so it's very beautiful. Hope to meet you again. GOOD LUCK FOR YOU AND YOUR FAMILY DAY TO DAY! VY73! BG7MVZ