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Japanese IOTA Islands Award Rules:

To get specified points by QSO's Japanese Islands that are allocated IOTA

numbers on HF or on 50MHz.Your QSO's to obtain points shall be as follows

The JIIA award issue is done on Monday, July 14, 2003.

About Japanese IOTA Islands Award:

1.As an initial step, you have to QSO's with more than 10 Japanese Islands that have JIIA numbers. (More than 5 Islands among 10, including Islands with different IOTA numbers). The numbers of 25,50, 75, 100, 200, 300, 400 are provided for each. Count for QSL cards 15 Nov 1945 following QSO is effective.

2.After this step is completed, the stickers of 25, 50, 75 will be issued to you based on the presumption that you can apply renewal in increments of each 25 islands. However, in this step, no award will be issued. The award is issued only when your points reach to 100, 200, 300 or 400. (This rule is same as that of SWL). Such point receivers who obtains more than 10 Islands will be announced on the JIIA website.

Application Method:

Please download «JIIA application form» from our «English version» website. (Please note you are not requested to submit your QSL card. Simply submit you application based on the QSO's list duplicated from the log (GCR) with the certifications issued from two amateur stations. In such case the certification from two armature stations is not obtainable, you can apply directly to the award manager by enclosing return postage).

Aforementioned QSO's list shall identify the followings:

Date of QSO's

JIIA number,

Call sign of QSO's,

Name band of the Island,


Please refer to following example of description:

23/6/1997 AS-067-006 Uji Is JI6KVR/6 21 SSB

Special notes on Band and Mode are available on request.

Address of application: Attention to

Yukihiro Deguchi IOTA-JA, 4796 Takashima-cho, Yatsushiro City, Kumamoto, 866-0014, JAPAN.

JIIA Checkpoints

Please apply to checkpoins for the country where checkpoints is set directly.

Application fee: US$6,Euro 5 or 5IRC's, Remittance through postal exchange.

Additional application: The stickers of 25, 50 and 75 will be issued.

Please submit SASE (Return mail envelope ) + another US$3 Euro 2 or 2IRC's.

Also please do not miss to write down your name and address on the return mail en-velope. You can receive different award from each of 100 Islands (Application fee US$5, Euro 4 or 4IRC's) by the remittance through postal exchange.

Дипломы получили:

№001 JA1HP 051 Points

№002 JF1SEK 053 Points

№003 PY2DBU 011 Points

№004 CT1AHU 023 Points

№005 JH1QVW 115 Points

№006 DS5ACV 021 Points

Список островов на диплом

Просмотров всего 6366, сегодня 2 Дата внесения: 11.08.2003 21:38:39
Трансляция: RA1AE

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