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Учредитель: Northwest Amateur Radio Society
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A. Official Rules

The Texas Century Club Award is sponsored by Northwest Amateur Radio Society -Houston, Texas and is administered by the Texas QSO Party committee.

1. The Texas Century Club Award is issued for confirmed two-way radio contacts with at least 100 Texas counties under the following rules and conditions.

2. Contacts must be made after January 1, 1999. This date is determined based on the first year that the Northwest Amateur Radio Society -Houston, Texas began it's current sponsorship of TQP.

3. The Texas Century Club Award is available in Phone, CW, and Mixed categories.

4. This award is available to both fixed and mobile stations.

5. Endorsements are available for 150, 200, 225, and 250 Texas counties worked and confirmed in accordance with all rules and conditions. See Texas Counties for a complete list of all 254 counties.

6. A special award will be available to those working all 254 Texas counties.

7. The initial gate for application opens October 1, 2003.

B Conditions

1. The Texas Century Club award is available to all licensed amateurs everywhere in the world and is issued to them as individuals for all Texas county contacts made, regardless of calls held, operating QTHs, or dates.

2. All contacts must be confirmed by QSL, and such QSLs must be in the applicant's possession for identification by certification officials.

3. Unless otherwise indicated on the QSL cards, the QTH printed on cards will determine county identity.

4. Any QSL card found to be altered in any way disqualifies the applicant.

5. QSOs via repeaters, satellites, moon bounce, and phone patches are not valid for the Texas Century Club award.

6. So-called "team" contacts, wherein one person acknowledges a signal report and another returns a signal report, while both amateur callsigns are logged, are not valid for the Texas Century Club award. Acceptable contact may be made with only one station at a time.

C. Administration of the Program

1. The Texas Century Club award program is sponsored by the Northwest Amateur Radio Society -Houston, Texas and it is administered by a Texas QSO Party Committee, acting as the TXCC award Custodian, and all applications and related correspondence should be sent directly to:

Northwest Amateur Radio Society

Texas QSO Party Committee

c/o Norm Covey - K5OS

30603 North High Meadow Circle

Magnolia TX 77355-2167

2. Decisions of the Custodian in administering these rules and their interpretation, including future amendments, are final.

D. Application

1. Complete the TXCC application.

2. You may use a customary QSL certification form signed by two licensed amateurs (General Class or higher), or an official of a national-level radio organization, or an affiliated club verifying that QSL cards for all contacts as listed have been seen. The TXCC award Custodian reserves the right to request any specific cards to satisfy any doubt whatsoever. In ALL cases the applicant should send sufficient postage for the return of cards by registered mail.

3. Send the original completed TXCC Application (not a copy) and certification forms and a $5.00 handling fee to Northwest Amateur Radio Society, Texas QSO Party Committee, c/o Norm Covey - K5OS, 30603 North High Meadow Circle, Magnolia TX 77355-2167.

4. Alternatively, you may send the certification and witness documents together with a computer-prepared listing in database form. The list must be on paper, not diskette.

The TXCC Award Program is sponsored by the Northeast Amateur Radio Society -Houston, Texas

Просмотров всего 7520, сегодня 2 Дата внесения: 10.05.2004 13:37:30
Трансляция: RA1AE

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