Дата внесения: 02.12.2000 06:39:56 MSK
Дата последнего редактирования 04.02.2015 00:48:39 MSK
Трансляция: UR5MID https://www.qrz.ru/awards/detail/157.html
Страна: США
Учредитель: wv2b sponsor
Страница в Интернет: http://www.geocities.com/heartland/pines/7651

Award Rules Confirmations are not required for this award. Send a computer or hand written list in alphabetical order by prefix including the following information: Call of the station worked, Name of the country, Band, and mode.

This award is issued for contacting 100 or more countries, as defined by the DXCC list in force at the time of the contacts, during a 48 consecutive hour period. Contacts must be made from one station location and using one callsign.

Multi-op and Guest-op stations are also eligible for this award. In this situation the plaque will be issued to the callsign used, but the callsigns of the operators may be included on the plaque if desired. Duplicate plaques may be obtained for each operator if desired.

You may apply for this award as often as you qualify.

Awards may be endorsed to reflect your operating accomplishments. For example: CW, SSB, Single Band, Mobile, Etc.

Please include a signed certification statement as follows: I certify upon my honor that the contacts listed have been made in the manner represented, and that I have obeyed the awards rules and all Amateur Radio rules as set forth by my licensing authority while making these contacts. Signature- Date- Application Information Name_________________________________________



State__________________ Zip___________________

Phone_______________ Email___________________

Call Used To Make Contacts_____________________

Endorsements_________________________________ List all that apply and you wish to appear on the award.

Contest______________________________________ If contacts were made during a contest period and you wish the name of the contest to appear on the award. Ex: 2000 CQ World -Wide DX SSB Contest.

Multi or Guest op list____________________________ ____________________________________________ For multi or guest op, list calls of operators in the order you wish them to appear on the award.

Send applications to: Duane Traver WV2B Awards Manager 99 Oregon Hill Rd Lisle, NY 13797-1002 USA

Current cost for the awards is $50.00 US $55.00 Canada and DX surface $62.00 DX Airmail

Cost of awards, and plaque style subject to change without notice

Дата внесения: 02.12.2000 06:39:56 MSK
Дата последнего редактирования 04.02.2015 00:48:39 MSK
Трансляция: UR5MID