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Позывной YL800TM закрыт
Событие: 800-летний юбилей Terra Mariana
Sputnika 3
Jurmala 2016
тел. +37122187781
E-mail: , ,
Домашняя страница: http://yl800tm.rigaspilsdievmate.eu
Skype: yl3gbc_arnis
On 29 – 30 May, the Riga Institute of Theology and Riga Higher Institute of Religious Sciences (RARZI) is organizing an international conference "Terra Mariana 800: Dialogue of Faith and Society”. It will be an opportunity for the society of Latvia to assess the spiritual, anthropological, cultural, educational, social and political importance in the past and the present of our country. It will also be an opportunity to discover humanistic potential that the Christianity offers to the modern world and every individual in the spiritual, educational, caritative social, economical and political fields.
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