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Событие: Год литературы в PФ. Нацинальная дипломная программа "Литературное наследие России".
ул. Чайковского, д.18 кв.56
Барнаул-34, Алтайский край 656906
Домашняя страница: http://r2015ly.ru/stations/info.php?call=R2015RR
R2015RR TEAM (Radioclub Robinson RM8Y)
qsl - direct via RM8Y
Позывной сигнал посвящен
Роберту Ивановичу Рождественскому
(20 июня 1932, село
Косиха, Западно-Сибирский край,
ныне - Алтайский край - 19 августа 1994,
советский поэт, переводчик,
лауреат Премии Ленинского комсомола и
Государственной Премии СССР.
Мероприятие: Год Литературы в
Российской Федерации
The year of literature in Russia» is held during the 2015 comprehensive state program aimed at the development of interest in Russian and world literature, the promotion of reading and book culture in all its manifestations.
The year of literature in Russia declared by the decree of President Vladimir Putin on 12 June 2014.
Russian Amateur radio community joined the National campaign and established a National Award programme in «Literary heritage of Russia» three classes and one award made of optical glass with laser engraving inside.
Aired from different parts of Russia sound special callsigns R2015X/XX dedicated to famous writers and poets of Russia.
National Award in «Literary heritage of Russia»
The National Award programme in «Literary heritage of Russia» was established in the Year of literature in Russia National eco-project «Green Russia» with the participation of radio clubs and hamradio Russia.
Count QSO/SWL with special stations R2015X/XX on the great and famous writers and poets of Russia, working with the territories of the Russian Federation, whose life or work were associated with them.
To perform different classes of National Award in «Literary heritage of Russia» it is necessary to dial the following number of points:
3 class: 500 points
2 class: 1000 points
1 class: 1500 points
Electronic Award are issued free of charge.
National Award in «Literary heritage of Russia», made of optical glass with laser engraving and gift box (weight 0.5 kg) - 2015 points. The cost for World radio amateurs (exception of Russia): 35 Euro.
R2015X/XX on the great and famous writers and poets of Russia - gives 50 points, and with the radiostation headquarters R2015LY - gives 100 points.
Repeated QSO/SWL count on various HF & VHF bands and different modulation types from 28 June to 31 December 2015.
HQ contact:
Web site HQ: http://www.r2015ly.ru
E-mail HQ: r2015ly@rambler.ru (questions received National Awards and special callsigns R2015).
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